Your search for 'vision mission goals of Taranki Region Council' returned 4758 results.


page 2024 Pukeiti Calendar • Further event details will be provided closer to the date. Please note, posting dates are approximate. • On Wednesday mornings, a small group of members get together to help the garden staff. If you’d like to join in—once, occasionally or every week—we meet at 9.00am or after morning tea at 10.15am, outside the staff quarters. Please note change of day back to a Wednesday. JANUARY JULY TUE 30 Members’ Committee Meeting WED 03 Annual

N T and L F Hibell submission

the option to speak in support of your submission at any consent hearing. If others make a similar submission, I/we will consider presenting a joint case with them at the hearing. Yes Request for independent commisioner/s Pursuant to section 100A of the Resource Management Act 1991, I request that the Taranaki Regional Council delegates its functions, powers, and duties required to hear and decide the application to one or more hearing commissioners who are not Taranaki Regional

Waitaha catchment consent monitoring 2018-2019

by the Taranaki Regional Council (the Council) to be prepared for the monitoring programme in the Waitaha Stream catchment. Twelve industrial premises were monitored under this programme during the year under review. The monitoring reflects an on-going process of identifying and improving discharges into the catchment in a similar manner to the management of those in the neighbouring Mangati Stream catchment. A total of 17 consents were included in the monitoring programme during the

Remediation hearing - applicant's evidence - expert evidence (economic)

page BEFORE INDEPENDENT HEARING COMMISSIONERS APPOINTED BY THE TARANAKI REGIONAL COUNCIL IN THE MATTER of an application by Remediation (NZ) Limited for resource consents under Part 5 of the Resource Management Act 1991 AND IN THE MATTER applications to obtain replacement consents for Consent Numbers 5838-2.2 and 5839-2 as summarised below: Consent 5838-2.2 – to discharge of a) waste material to land for composting; and b) treated stormwater and leachate,

Mangati catchment consent monitoring 2018-2019

Regional Council (the Council) describing the monitoring programme associated with 16 industries within the catchment of the Mangati Stream, Bell Block. The Mangati catchment has, in the past, been heavily utilised for the disposal of stormwater and wastewaters from a large number of industrial sites. As a consequence of inadequate treatment and management of discharges and minimal dilution capacity in the past, the water quality and aquatic ecosystems of the stream were significantly

Policy & Planning minutes July 2020

June 2020 Resolved That the Policy and Planning Committee of the Taranaki Regional Council: a) takes as read and confirms the minutes of the Policy and Planning Committee meeting of the Taranaki Regional Council held in the Taranaki Regional Council chambers, 47 Cloten road, on Tuesday 9 June 2020 at 10.30am b) notes the recommendations therein were adopted by the Taranaki Regional Council on Tuesday 30 June 2020. McDonald/Walker Matters arising There were no …

Remediation hearing - applicant's evidence - expert evidence (iwi concerns)

page - 1 - AD-116551-1-96-V1 UNDER the Resource Mangement Act 1991 ("RMA") IN THE MATTER of a resource consent application to the Taranaki Regional Council for the application by Remediation (NZ) Limited STATEMENT OF EVIDENCE OF HAYDEN RUSSELL EASTON ON BEHALF OF REMEDIATION NEW ZEALAND LIMITED 1. Introduction 1.1 My full name is Hayden Russell Easton. I am the Technical Director Surface Water at Pattle Delamore Partners Ltd (PDP). I

March 2022 Monthly Report

page Doc. No: 3033222 TARANAKI REGIONAL COUNCIL MONTHLY RAINFALL AND RIVER REPORT FOR March 2022 Provisional Data Only Note: some sites record a number of parameters Table 1: Rainfall at 27 sites throughout the region Station Sub-region Monthly Year to Date Records Began Number of rain days (>0.5mm) Total Monthly Rainfall (mm) % of Monthly Normal (%) Total to date (mm) % of Normal for year to date % of average full calendar year Nth

McKee Mangahewa PS consent monitoring 2018-2019

Energy) operates a petroleum production station located on Otaraoa Road near Tikorangi, bridging the Waitara and Onaero catchments. The McKee Mangahewa Production Station processes condensate and natural gas from Todd Energy’s McKee and Mangahewa groups of wellsites and includes electricity generation and LPG production facilities. This report for the period July 2018 to June 2019 describes the monitoring programme implemented by the Taranaki Regional Council (the Council) to assess Todd Energy’s

Radnor B hydraulic fracturing report 2018-2019

The monitoring carried out by the Council indicates that the hydraulic fracturing activities undertaken by GPL had no significant adverse effects on local groundwater or surface water resources. There were no unauthorised incidents recording non-compliance in respect of the resource consent held by GPL in relation to these activities or provisions in regional plans, during the period under review. GPL demonstrated a high level of environmental and administrative performance and compliance