and resolutions of the Executive, Audit
and Risk Committee held in the Taranaki Regional Council Chambers, 47 Cloten
road, Stratford on Monday 21 June 2021 at 10am
b) notes the recommendations therein were adopted by the Taranaki Regional
Council on Tuesday 29 June 2021.
Matters arising
There were no matters arising.
2. Financial and Operational Report
2.1 Mr M J Nield, Director – Corporate Services spoke to the memorandum for the
(STDC) operates a total of 11 water treatment plants (WTP’s) throughout
the district. STDC holds 33 resource consents which include 292 conditions setting out the requirements
that must be satisfied. STDC holds 15 consents to take water, ten consents to discharge to both land and
water, and nine consents to construct and maintain in-stream structures.
This report for the period July 2018 to June 2019 describes the monitoring programme implemented by the
Taranaki Regional Council (the
Taranaki Regional Council Marine Oil Spill Contingency Plan Page 1 of 10
Issue 3 October 2020 – Doc# 2614771 Annex 8
Response Forms
Record keeping
It is most important that accurate records are obtained and kept right from the first reported
sighting of a pollution incident until the end of a response.
Records will be kept in Council’s Document Management System and financial systems.
WEBEOC is also available to record information in a Tier 2
Davidson Committee Administrator
Apologies An apology was received from Councillor D L Lean.
Notification of There were no late items.
Late Items
1. Confirmation of Minutes – 29 March 2021
That the Executive, Audit and Risk Committee of the Taranaki Regional Council:
a) takes as read and confirms the minutes and resolutions of the Executive, Audit
and Risk Committee held in the Taranaki Regional Council Chambers, 47 Cloten
road, Stratford on
meetings held Tuesday 7 April and Tuesday 19 May were
That the Policy and Planning Committee of the Taranaki Regional Council:
a) receives the confirmed minutes of the Policy and Planning Committee meeting
held in the Taranaki Regional Council chambers, 47 Cloten Road, Stratford on
Tuesday 4 February 2020 at 10.30am
b) receives the confirmed minutes of the Ordinary meeting of the Taranaki Regional
Council held via audio-visual link (zoom) on Tuesday 7 April 2020
for Freshwater Management 2020
(Freshwater NPS 2020) and the National Environmental Standards for
Freshwater Regulations 2020
37. The National Policy Statement on Freshwater Management 2020 (NPS-FM
2020) came into effect in September 2020, replacing the 2014 and 2017
NPSs. The NPS-FM 2020 includes the concept of Te Mana o te Wai, which
puts the health and well-being of the water body as first priority. The
NPSFM 2020 requires regional councils to manage freshwater in a way that
The current resource consents for the operation of the scheme were granted by Taranaki Regional
Council (TRC) on 4 September 1996, and several were subsequently varied (in 2006, 2016 and 2017).
All resource consents expire on 1 June 2021. Consequently, Trustpower has commenced a process to
obtain replacement consents to permit operation of the scheme for a further term. This report,
which is one of a series of technical assessment reports, addresses the hydrological aspects of the
Oaonui catchment. The report for the period July 2018 to June 2019 describes the
monitoring programme implemented by the Taranaki Regional Council (the Council) to assess the
Company’s environmental and consent compliance performance during the period under review. The report
also details the results of the monitoring undertaken and assesses the environmental effects of the
Company’s activities.
The Company holds three resource consents, which include a total of 26 conditions setting out the
Minimisation Officer,
in collaboration with the New Plymouth District Council, Stratford District Council and
South Taranaki District Council.
That the Taranaki Solid Waste Management Committee of the Taranaki Regional Council:
a) receives the memorandum and notes the activities of the Regional Waste Minimisation
4. Change to What Plastics Will be Accepted for Recycling
4.1 Ms K Hope, New Plymouth District Council, spoke to the memorandum …
State of the Environment Monitoring
Lake Rotorangi water quality and
biological programme
Annual Report
Technical Report 2019-97
Taranaki Regional Council
ISSN: 1178-1467 (Online) Private Bag 713
Document: 2554718 (Word) STRATFORD
Document: 2512053 (Pdf) September 2020
Executive summary
Lake Rotorangi was formed in May 1984 by the construction of