South Taranaki Water Supplies
Monitoring Programme
Annual Report
Technical Report 2014-121
Taranaki Regional Council
ISSN: 1178-1467 (Online) Private Bag 713
Document: 1448134 (Word) STRATFORD
Document: 1538383 (Pdf)
September 2015
Executive summary
The South Taranaki District Council (STDC) operates a total of 11 water supply
Annual Report for the period July 2015 to June 2016 by the Taranaki
Regional Council (the Council) on the monitoring programme associated with 16
resource consents held by 12 consent holders in the Waitaha catchment.
This report covers the results and findings of the monitoring programme implemented
by the Council in respect of these consents, which relate to discharges to water and
emissions to air within the Waitaha catchment.
One of the intents of the Resource Management Act 1991 (RMA)
(the Company) operate a number of wellsites across the Taranaki region, with
major fields located in the Tikorangi and Kaimiro areas. Each wellsite contains varying numbers of producing
wells and associated production infrastructure. This report for the period July 2018 to June 2019 describes
the monitoring programme implemented by the Taranaki Regional Council (the Council) in relation to the
Company’s deep well injection (DWI) activities. The report details the results of the monitoring
Tawhiti Catchment
Monitoring Programme
Annual Report
Technical Report 18-18
Taranaki Regional Council
ISSN: 1178-1467 (Online) Private Bag 713
Document: 2083747 (Word) STRATFORD
Document: 2113691 (Pdf) November 2018
Executive summary
The Tawhiti Stream catchment, east of Hawera, is the location of several industries that include a meat
(SDC) operates three water supply schemes in the Stratford
district, which supply water to the town of Stratford and to the villages of Midhirst and
Toko. This report for the period July 2012-June 2013 describes the monitoring programme
implemented by the Taranaki Regional Council (TRC) to assess Stratford District Council’s
environmental performance during the period under review, and the results and
environmental effects of their activities.
Stratford District Council holds a total of 10
Lower Waiwhakaiho
Air Discharges
Compliance Monitoring Programme
Annual Report
Technical Report 2015-120
Taranaki Regional Council
ISSN: 1178-1467 (Online) Private Bag 713
Document: 1665895 (Word) STRATFORD
Document: 1676617 (Pdf)
June 2016
Executive summary
The Lower Waiwhakaiho area of New Plymouth is the location of several
describes the monitoring programme implemented by the Taranaki Regional Council (the Council) to assess
Trustpower’s environmental performance during the period under review, and the results and
environmental effects of their activities.
Trustpower holds a total of 23 resource consents, which include a total of 186 conditions setting out the
requirements that they must satisfy. Trustpower holds five consents to allow it to take and use water, five
consents to discharge water or
processing plant located on SH45 west of Manaia, in the Kaupokonui River catchment. The
Company holds a resource consent to allow it to discharge wastewater directly into the
Tasman Sea. This report for the period July 2014-June 2015 describes the monitoring
programme implemented by the Taranaki Regional Council (the Council) to assess the
Company’s environmental performance during the period under review, and the results and
effects of the Company’s activities.
The Company holds one resource
Company), a subsidiary of TAG Oil New Zealand Ltd, operates a petrochemical
production station located on Mountain Road at Ngaere, in the Waingongoro catchment. The Cheal
Production Station processes oil and gas from the Cheal group of wellsites. This report for the period July
2018 to June 2019 describes the monitoring programme implemented by the Taranaki Regional Council (the
Council) to assess the Company’s environmental and consent compliance performance during the period
under review. The
operate a number of wellsites across the Taranaki region, including the
Tuhua, Pouri, Mangahewa and McKee wellsites, located east of New Plymouth and the Kapuni wellsites
located west of Stratford. Each wellsite contains varying numbers of producing wells and associated
production infrastructure. This report for the period July 2018 to June 2019 describes the monitoring
programme implemented by the Taranaki Regional Council (the Council) in relation to the Company’s deep
well injection (DWI)