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The Taranaki Regional Council Environmental Awards recognise outstanding initiatives in our region to protect and enhance Taranaki’s high-quality environment.
The awards encourage environmental stewardship and sustainable development of our natural resources.
bold Who can make a nomination?
The Awards are open to individuals, organisations, businesses and communities who are
This edition of SITE will help you plan a
BioBlitz. If you need help and support don’t
hesitate to get in touch
For assistance or information on environmental education contact:
Emily Roberts, Education Officer
Taranaki Regional Council
Private Bag 713, Stratford 4352
Ph: 06 765 7127 Fax: 06 765 5097
www.trc.govt.nzRegional Council
In the BioBlitz area, which are the goody native plants providing food for
If you intend to use synthetic nitrogen fertiliser after 1 July 2021 it is important to
consider the new and existing requirements and whether you will need to apply for a
resource consent.
Key points:
From 1 July 2021 there will be a cap of 190kg/ha/year on the use of synthetic nitrogen fertiliser
for all land in pastoral land use.
From July 2022 (and each July thereafter) dairy farms must provide the Taranaki Regional
Council (the Council) specific
activities or disturbing soil at a dip site. You could
make the risks worse and the ultimate clean-up costs higher if
you do not seek advice first. You may need to obtain resource
consent(s) from your local, unitary or Regional Council.
Health and safety
Don’t let children play in the soil near the old dip or the
parts of the yard or paddocks used as holding pens for
dipped sheep.
Place hazard signage and inform farm staff, tenants and
visitors of the hazards associated with a dip site.
CO AS TAL P L AN F O R TARANAK I S chedu le 2 – Coas t a l a rea s o f ou t s t an d ing va lue
Schedule 2 – Coastal areas of outstanding value
This schedule identifies eight areas of outstanding natural character and nine areas that are outstanding natural features or landscapes. A values table and map for each area is included
below. Information included within this schedule has been informed by the report Regional landscape study
of an application by Remediation (NZ)
Limited for resource consents under Part 5
of the Resource Management Act 1991
applications to obtain replacement
consents for Consent Numbers 5838-2.2
and 5839-2 as summarised below:
Consent 5838-2.2 - to discharge of a) waste
material to land for composting; and b)
treated stormwater and leachate, from
composting operations; onto and into
Before the Independent Hearing Commissioners
Appointed by the Taranaki Regional Council
Under the Resource Management Act 1991
In the matter of a resource consent for air discharge relating to the poultry farm
operation at 58 Airport Drive, New Plymouth (5262-3.0)
Supplementary Evidence of Edward John Whiting
25 February 2022
Applicant's solicitor:
Alex Booker
hazardous/dangerous and could pose Health and Safety
risks if inspections are undertaken without permission and supervision of
the submitter. They seek that clauses 10.1 and 10.2 be amended to
acknowledge that the Taranaki Regional Council has a duty as a Person
Conducting Business or Undertaking under the Health and Safety at Work
Act, in particular the duty to consult, coordinate and cooperate with other
Persons Conducting Business or Undertaking when undertaking its works.
Council officers point out
inside fenced-off
Report sightings to the Taranaki Regional Council or the Ornithological
Society NZ Regional Representative Barry Hartley
The New Zealand dotterel is a
threatened species listed as
‘nationally vulnerable’. Once
widespread, there is now an estimated
population of only 1400 birds left in
the whole of New Zealand.
Nesting dotterels are very easily
disturbed. There has
responsibility for
any use of or reliance on any contents of this report by any person
other than Taranaki Regional Council and shall not be liable to any
person other than Taranaki Regional Council, on any ground, for any
loss, damage or expense arising from such use or reliance.
Use of Data:
Date that GNS Science can use associated data: September 2017
Scott BJ, Sherburn S. 2017. Taranaki Seismic and Ground
Deformation Monitoring: July 2016 to June 2017.