Your search for 'vision mission goals of Taranki Region Council' returned 4845 results.

Remediation Hearing Ngāti Mutunga McKay additional

page BEFORE THE TARANAKI REGIONAL COUNCIL under. the Resource Management Act 1991 in the matter of: Resource consent applications by Remediation New Zealand for resource consents to discharge waste material, treated stormwater & leachate, and to discharge emissions into the air from composting operations, at State Highway 3 1460 Mokau Road, Uruti ("Applications") 'Highlights' - Evidence of Anne-Maree McKay for Te R nanga 0 Ng ti Mutunga 1 I am an environmental officer for


page Record your trap catch with Regional Council Taranaki Towards Predator ree-F Taranaki Taranaki Taku Tūranga The website has some fantastic short videos that take you through each step of the process. You can find those at We are also happy to help – email or call 0800 736 22 and ask to speak to one of the Towards Predator-Free Taranaki team. For more on the Towards Predator-Free Taranaki project

Submitter evidence - Bernard Coils

page BEFORE THE DECISION MAKERS AT NEW PLYMOUTH IN THE MATTER of the Resource Management Act 1991 (“RMA”) AND IN THE MATTER an application to renew existing resource consents associated with a composting operation at Uruti BETWEEN Remediation New Zealand Limited Applicant AND Taranaki Regional Council Consent Authority STATEMENT OF EVIDENCE OF BERNARD PETER

Remediation Hearing Kay Supplementary

page .; BEFORE THE TARANAKI REGIONAL COUNCIL IN THE MA TTER AND IN THE MATTER of an application by Remediation (NZ) Limited for resource consents under Part 5 of the Resource Management Act 1991 applications to obtain replacement consents for Consent Numbers 5838-2.2 and 5839-2 as summarised below: Consent 5838-2.2 -to discharge of a) waste material to land for composting; and b) treated stormwater and leachate, from composting operations; onto and into

Candidate profile Bob Waugh

page Taranaki Regional Council New Plymouth Constituency Electing 5 Regional Councillors Bob WAUGH My principal place of residence is in the New Plymouth Constituency area. Bob Waugh, New Plymouth constituency: Our community needs environmentally conscious economic growth to enable local infrastructure to support our lifestyle into the future. Two significant issues facing Taranaki are the likely decline of the offshore oil industry and log exports which could negatively affect

Coastal Plan Schedule 8

page 221 CO AS TAL P L AN F O R TARANAK I S chedu le 8 – S ign i f i c an t s u r f b re aks Schedule 8 – Significant surf breaks and Significant Surfing Area This schedule identifies nationally, regionally and locally significant surf breaks and the Significant Surfing Area. Site locations are approximate only and are not intended to provide a definitive location or extent of a site. Schedule 8A – Nationally, regionally and locally significant surf breaks

Unaccompanied minor application form

APPLICATION FOR CARRIAGE OF UNACCOMPANIED MINOR (To be completed in respect of child 7-12 years, inclusive) DATE__________________________ The Taranaki Regional Council and Pickering Motors Ltd (the Parties) cannot be held responsible for the unaccompanied minor before, during or after the bus journey which means that: list_Paragraph · The minor will be picked up/dropped off at the specified destinations. list_Paragraph · The bus will not wait and will leave as per

Rules applying to estuaries

will not decrease the visual clarity of water by more than 50% outside a 50 metre radius zone of mixing; • No contaminant will be released into coastal water; • Activity complies with general standards in Section 4.4; • At least one working day before maintenance commences, the Taranaki Regional Council is informed that the activity is to occur. Permitted Placement of an outfall structure B1.2 • Structure has an internal diameter of 600 mm or less and extends 1 metre or

Devon Hotel

Chef, Krishna Bogulla, found himself completing a questionnaire on the subject – and saw potential for the hotel to improve. Advice was sought from the Taranaki Regional Council’s Waste Minimisation Officer, who works in conjunction with local recyclers to help industry sectors and individual firms reduce the burden on Taranaki’s sole landfill. TPI Waste Management worked closely with the hotel to set up the new system. Provision of extra recycling bins was accompanied by a big

Unaccompanied minor application form

page APPLICATION FOR CARRIAGE OF UNACCOMPANIED MINOR (To be completed in respect of child 7-12 years, inclusive) DATE__________________________ The Taranaki Regional Council and Pickering Motors Ltd (the Parties) cannot be held responsible for the unaccompanied minor before, during or after the bus journey which means that:  The minor will be picked up/dropped off at the specified destinations.  The bus will not wait and will leave as per timetable.  The driver will act