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Taranaki liquefaction fact sheet

page May 2013  In May 2012 South Taranaki, Stratford and New Plymouth district councils, Taranaki Regional Council, Powerco and Transpower funded jointly a study by GNS Science into liquefaction hazards in Taranaki. GNS studied existing land data held by the councils in conjunction with geological information held by GNS to identify the potential for liquefaction and ground damage in the region.  GNS Science

Fact sheet 3: Organochloride pesticides

Sally Gaw and Graham McBride for Tasman District Council through a Foundation for Research Science and Technology Envirolink grant. Sally is a lecturer in environmental chemistry at the University of Canterbury. She has ten years experience in managing contaminated land and was a member of the Ministry for the Environment’s Pesticide Advisory Group. Graham is a farmer with national and international experience with managing legacy chemicals from agriculture. He initiated research into sheep

Brown mudfish

species. WHAT CAN YOU DO TO HELP  Protect streamside vegetation by fencing it off from stock.  Plant native plants along stream edges to provide shaded habitats.  Create, protect and retire wetlands on your property.  Report sightings of pest fish and do not spread pest fish to new habitats.  Report sightings of brown mudfish to the Taranaki Regional Council. CONSERVATION The brown mudfish is an endemic

Form 008: Non-Notified Approval Form

consent process, please contact the Consents Section of the Taranaki Regional Council for guidance on 06 765 7127 or 0800 736 222. (2) Please make sure you have seen the application in its entirety, including any attachments and supporting documentation. For office use only Date Received : __________________________ Doc # __________________________ Private Bag 713, Stratford Telephone 06-765 7127 Fax 06-765 5097

Rates information 2018-2019

land value of $100,000 will pay $138.85 in total regional council rates (see highlighted example below). Commercial and industrial property Capital value of property: $200,000 $300,000 $500,000 $750,000 $1,000,000 Land value of property: $50,000 $117.22 $144.04 $197.68 $264.73 $331.78 $100,000 $124.81 $151.63 $205.27 $272.32 $339.37 $150,000 $132.39 $159.21 $212.85 $279.90 $346.95 $300,000 $155.14 $181.96 $235.60 $302.65 $369.70 $500,000 $185.47 $212.29

Shortjaw kokopu

Recovery Plan,’ to assist the national conservation of this species. WHAT YOU CAN DO TO HELP  Protect streamside vegetation by fencing it off from stock.  Plant native plants along stream edges to provide shaded habitats for fish.  Create, protect and retire native wetlands on your property.  Remove or provide passage around in-stream barriers such as culverts, dams and weirs.  Report sightings to the Taranaki Regional Council. CONSERVATION

Calculate your own rates for 2021-2022

page Supporting Documentation for the 2021/2031 Long-Term Plan Taranaki Regional Council І Working with people І caring for Taranaki 119 Actual rates to be paid To calculate the rates payable for a property, obtain the rateable land and capital values from the Rates Assessment Notice issued by your local district council and then complete the attached table. All figures include GST. For example, if you own a residential property in the New Plymouth with a capital value of

Giant kokopu

QUICK FACTS  Giant kokopu were the first Galaxiidae species to be discovered and its unique colouring was compared to the profusion of stars in the galaxy, earning it the name Galaxias. Giant kokopu (Galaxias argenteus) Number 16 TARANAKI REGIONAL COUNCIL Biodiversity Section Ph: 06 765 7127 Fax: 06 765 5097 Email: Working with people — caring for Taranaki

Western North Island brown kiwi

organization.  Keep your dogs under control in areas where kiwi may be present.  Use raised sets for leg hold possum traps where kiwi are present.  Covenant areas of native bush to help protect kiwi habitat  Report sightings, calls and sign to the Taranaki Regional Council. Western brown kiwi (Apteryx mantelli) Number 9 TARANAKI REGIONAL COUNCIL Environment Services Ph: 06 765

Coastal Plan Schedule 6B Ngati Mutanga

As with the other awa of Ngāti Mutunga, the whole length of the river was used for food gathering. Mouri is a critical element of the spiritual relationship of Ngāti Mutunga whanau to the Mimi River. The Mimitangiatua is of the utmost importance because of its physical, spiritual and social significance in the past, present and future. B32 Tauranga Ika Wairuatanga Access Silent File Contact Council for more information Onaero River The Onaero River was