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Route 54 Orbiter New Plymouth

page FDMC SPOTSWOOD HIGHLANDS DEVON NPBHS NPGHS SHGC 54 54 7.50AM 3.20PM WELBOURN WOODLEIGH VOGELTOWN 7.58AM 8.01AM 8.10AM 8.14AM 8.25AM 8.28AM 8.33AM R54 Afternoon service finishes corner of Seaview Road and Devon St West 4.04PM3.25PM 3.30PM 3.35PM 3.39PM 3.49PM 3.54PM OMATA RD OMATA RD P O P LA R G R *Save money on school bus fares with a Smart Card multi-trip (40 trip) pass.


Link Map - 35 d) Open Coast – the area of the CMA not covered by the other management areas e) Port Map Link Map - 13 annotation annotation

Schedule1 - Coastal management areas

Map - 35 4) Open Coast – the area of the CMA not covered by the other management areas 5) Port Map Link Map - 13 annotation annotation

Schedule 1 - Coastal management areas

Map - 35 4) Open Coast – the area of the CMA not covered by the other management areas 5) Port Map Link Map - 13 annotation annotation

Appendix 9: Defined urban catchments

page A P P E N D IC E S A P P E N D IX I X Appendix IX Maps of defined urban catchments page A P P E N D IC E S A P P E N D IX I X page 2 8 5 APPENDICES APPENDIX IX Figure 1: Eltham Defined urban catchment. page

Maps 12 to 22

D59 D60D61 D63 D62 D64 Bayly Road tauranga waka Bayly Road petroglyph Back of Stent Farmhouse Stent Stent Road Brazils Bayly Road North BJ's Left D63 D62 D64 Map 18 ± 0 0.5 10.25 km D59 D61 D60 D58 D57 page D137 D65 D66 D71 D69 D72 D70 D68 D73 D135 D136 D67 Fin Whaka Crushers Bayly Road Breaks D72 D73 D69 D137 Map 19 ± 0 0.5 10.25 km D71 D70 D136 D65 D66 page

Schedule I: Coastal Management Areas

page 103 CO AS TAL P L AN F O R TARANAK I S chedu le 1 – Coas t a l m ana gem ent a reas Schedule 1 – Coastal Management Areas The coastal marine area has been divided into five Coastal Management Areas. Outstanding value 1) Estuaries unmodified 2) Estuaries modified 3) Open Coast - the area of the CMA not covered by the other management areas. 4) Port 5) page 1 0 4 C O A S T A L P L A N F O R

Appendix X - sampling data summaries

Nitrite/ Nitrate nitrogen 0 500 1000 1500 2000 2500 3000 3500 4000 23 /02 /19 23 /08 /19 Total Disolved Solids 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 23 /02 /19 23 /08 /19 PH page Below the Main Composting Pad - Duckpond HHG 97 HHG 93 Above the Main Composting Pad Above the Wetland HHG 103Surfacewater Sampling up to: May 2020 HHG 115 Upstream of SH3 Bridge HHG 190 Below the