COVID-19 Alert Level 2 information for Citylink, Connector and Southlink passengers:

Connector | Citylink urban
Citylink school | Southlink
- All passengers MUST wear face coverings, apart from those under 12 or with medical condition/disability that makes their use unsutable.
- All passengers MUST book their travel online. Go to
- All seats can be used where necessary but we recommend filling the window seats first.
- Hospital patients and visitors please continue to book through your local hospital or medical centre.
- See also general information for passengers
Citylink urban
- All passengers MUST wear face coverings, apart from those under 12 or with medical condition/disability that makes their use unsutable
- Physical distancing MUST be observed on urban services (Routes 1-11 and Route 20) because there is no detailed list of users
- Use the window seats only. Aisle seats are not to be used.
- Passengers travelling together may sit together.
- Passengers must identify themselves to the on-board CCTV camera for contact tracing purposes.
- See also general information for passengers
Citylink school
- Schools are required to keep an up-to-date list of all students who catch the bus and which routes they take.This make contact tracing possible
- Physical distancing is ot required on school bus routes and all seats can be used as usual.
- Face coverings are not required on school buses. FACE COVERINGS ARE REQUIRED for students aged 12 and over who transfer to or from urban bus routes (such as Citylink services Routes 1 to 9 and 20) while travelling those routes. And students aged 12 and over on the afternoon services Routes 91, 92, 93, 95 and 97 are also required to wear face coverings as these buses revert to urban service during the journey.
- See also general information for passengers
- All passengers MUST wear face coverings, apart from those under 12 or with medical condition/disability that makes their use unsutable
- All passengers MUST book, regardless of which service they use.
- For services from/to Opunake call Pickering Motors on 0800 22 11 120.
- For services from/to Waverley/Patea, call Weir Bros on 06 278 5252.
- All seats can be used.
- See also general information for passengers
General information for passengers
- Do not travel if you feel unwell, are required to self-isolate or are awaiting a COVID-19 test result.
- Reduce cash handling where possible by paying by Citylink or Connector Smart Card (Southlink services remain cash only).
- Please keep a record of your travel.
- Use hand sanitiser where available.
- All buses will be sanitised according to Ministry of Health guidance.
- Follow Government guidance issued at link)
Face coverings
Face coverings are mandatory while travelling on Citylink Urban, Connector and Southlink bus services.
This applies to public transport across the country during Level 2 or highter. The only exemptions are:
- School buses
- Children under 12
- Passengers on small passenger services such as taxi's, ubers, driving companion services (Drivers are required to wear masks)
- Those with a disability or mental/physical condition which prevents them from doing so.
Despite the shool-bus exemption, face coverings are required for students aged 12 and over who transfer to or from urban bus routes (such as Citylink services Routes 1 to 9 and 20) while travelling those routes. And students aged 12 and over on the afternoon services Routes 91, 92, 93, 95 and 97 are also required to wear face coverings as these buses revert to urban service during the journey. .