School bus services will be provided for Urenui, Motonui, Tikorangi and Lepperton this year after running on a trial basis last year.

Citylink school buses at Waitara War Memorial Hall.
They will resume on Tuesday 30 January, and are among 19 school services provided by the Taranaki Regional Council and operated by Tranzit Coachlines.
The Council stepped in at short notice last year to trial these extra North Taranaki services after a private operator withdrew. “They were well used, with more than 11,700 trips recorded. We’re pleased to be able to provide them again,” says the Council’s Transport Services Manager, Chris Clarke.
Overall, the Council’s school bus services in North Taranaki, Waitara, New Plymouth, Okato and Oākura last year recorded just under 330,000 passenger trips.
Mr Clarke says term multi-passes will again be available for all school bus users, offering fare discounts of up to 20%. “They’re by far the most economical way to use school services,” he says. For more information, see
For school bus service and timetable details, go to link).