Thank you to all our passengers for your incredible support this year!
Here’s everything you need to know about Taranaki bus services during the Christmas and New Year holidays:

No bus services on:
- Sundays (as per usual)
- Wednesday, 25 December (Christmas Day)
- Thursday, 26 December (Boxing Day)
- Wednesday, 1 January (New Year’s Day)
- Thursday, 2 January (Day after New Year’s Day)
Regular bus services:
All other services will operate as per the usual timetable, including Citylink (New Plymouth urban) Saturday buses (Route 10 and Route 11).
2025 School bus services:
School bus services, Citylink urban, Orbiter and Your Connector services will resume from Wednesday, 29 January 2025. Please check back in early January for updated school routes and timetables.
Office hours:
Our office team will be taking a well-deserved break and will be unavailable from Monday 23 December, to Monday 13 January.
Wishing you a safe and Merry Christmas with your friends and whānau. We look forward to seeing you on the bus in the New Year!
Ngā mihi,
The Taranaki Bus Team