Taranaki people have an opportunity to air their views on public transport ahead of the first major review of the region’s bus services in 10 years.

The Taranaki Regional Council is inviting submissions on its Draft Regional Public Transport Plan 2020-2030, which will guide the regional bus service review planned for later this year.
The draft plan also covers other questions including the future of under-used and uneconomic services, the extent to which concession fares should be available, and a transition to low-emission buses.
“We know some people are passionate about public transport, while others don’t believe it can meet their needs unless changes are made. Now’s the time for all to press their case,” says the Council’s Transport Services Manager, Chris Clarke.
“Public transport can be a challenge in a region like Taranaki, where most people find the convenience of driving outweighs any need to take the bus. And funding will always be limited, given our relatively small population. So it’s important to make the best with what we’ve got and ensure services are delivered where they’re needed most.”
He says New Plymouth’s Citylink services were revamped and relaunched in 2010 following a major review. “It’s time to take another thorough look at the services we provide, and the Regional Public Transport Plan will provide a framework for this review.”
The Council’s public transport services include the Citylink, Connector and Southlink networks, and the regional Total Mobility scheme which provides subsidised transport for those who can’t use buses due to disabilities or infirmities.
Submissions on the Draft Plan close on 25 September. To read the document and make a submission, go to www.trc.govt.nz/public-transport-plan