Major roadworks will take place on State Highway 3 between Inglewood and Midhirst from Monday, October 4 to Thursday, 28 October and from Monday, 8 November to Friday, 17 December.

During the works SH3 between Inglewood and Midhirst will be closed to all southbound traffic.
A detour will be in place from the SH3/SH3A intersection in Inglewood, returning to SH3 at the Beaconsfield Road intersection in Midhirst via Tarata, Kaimata and Salisbury Roads. SH3 will remain open to northbound traffic.
Contractors will be off the road for Labour Weekend (22 to 26 October) and for the Taranaki Garden Festival (29 October to 7 November), with SH3 re-opened to two lanes as usual.
In the event of bad weather, works may take longer than planned.
What does this mean for Connector passengers?
Southbound travel
Due to the detour, the southbound Connector service will not pass through Tariki. Tariki passengers are advised to use the temporary stops in Inglewood or Midhirst.
The Inglewood stop will temporarily relocate from Moa St to 22 Rata St (outside Farm Source).
The Midhirst stop will temporarily relocate from SH3 to the corner of Beaconsfield Rd and Standish St (see map below).
The detour is expected to add at least 25 minutes to your journey, so please allow extra time for travel.
Northbound travel
The northbound Connector service will operate as usual. However delays are possible, so please plan ahead.
Stay up to date
Any further updates and Connector service alerts will be posted on the Taranaki Public Transport Facebook page(external link). You can also call the information line on 0800 26 63 28.
See the Waka Kotaki Central North Island Facebook page(external link) for general road updates.
Thank you for your patience and understanding during this time.