The Prime Minister has announced that the country will move to Alert Level 3 from next Tuesday 28 April.

Under Level 3, travel is allowed for:
- Accessing local services and businesses.
- Going to work and school.
- Low-risk recreation in local area.
- Extended bubble arrangements.
- Travelling to permitted gatherings.
The status of regional bus services is as follows:
CITYLINK SCHOOL - Citylink school services will resume on Wednesday 29 April. Buses will be free.
SOUTHLINK bus services - The Waverley to Hāwera service will continue once-weekly, with free fares. The Ōpunake-New Plymouth and Ōpunake-Hāwera services continue to be suspended.
CITYLINK bus services – The current reduced Citylink urban timetable will continue under Level 3, with adjustments if and when required. Free fares continue under Level 3.
CONNECTOR bus services – Services will increase from the current one a day to three a day, with free fares. See link)
TOTAL MOBILITY – Total Mobility continues to operate with reduced fares for eligible users requiring essential travel. In most cases this means travel will be free.
Our aim is to provide services to ensure that people are kept safe, so we will be implementing measures on our services such as physical distancing.
Thank you for your patience and understanding.
For a complete list of essential services visit - link)