Bus fares

You can find information on Taranaki bus fares, zones and Bee Cards here. Our fares are based on how many zones you travel through, so check the zone map below and then refer to the fare structure and table to see the relevant fare.


All Citylink, Connector and Southlink services will return to normal fare pricing from Wednesday 1 May. Please check the zone map and updated fares table.

Top up your Bee Card or put some additional cash in your pocket, don't get caught short!

See all discounts and concessions available, including Community Connect and SuperGold.

Fare table

Zones travelled Bee Card Cash
1 $2 $3
2 $3 $4
3 $4 $5
4 $5 $6

Bee Card

Bee Cards are the preferred method of contactless payment. Bee Cards cost $5, plus a minimum $5 top-up. Cash is still accepted for those who do not have a Bee Card, however you will be charged the higher cash fare.

After you have your Bee Card, make sure you then register and activate your card online to access benefits.

*You will need to top up your card with a minimum of $5 to get started

Want to know more about Bee Card? Visit our Bee Card page or visit www.beecard.co.nz(external link)