Are you a bus user or would like to start using public transport? Or is road safety and how speed is managed something you want to talk about? Or do you want more opportunities for walking or getting out and about on your bike?

Head to to have your say today.
Taranaki Regional Council has launched a wide-ranging community conversation giving everyone in the region the chance to have a say on the future of transport with the views helping to shape public transport, cycling and walking, road speeds and safety.
Council Chair Charlotte Littlewood says getting feedback from the public is essential ahead of developing a number of key strategies and plans which aim to improve active and sustainable travel in the region and make local roads safer to travel on.
“The feedback we’re seeking is crucial as we work together to look at what transport should look like in both the short and long-term so we’d like as many people as possible to get involved,” says Mrs Littlewood.
“It can be about anything our community feels is important as well. We’ve created a map where people can comment on key issues like safety and speed, public transport, cycling and walking, people’s vision for the future of transport and anything else they think we need to know about.
“It’s all about a partnership with our people as well as partners such as Roadsafe Taranaki and the three district councils so we get people moving safely while boosting options for those who want to switch to active and sustainable travel.”
Feedback on road safety and speed will be used by New Plymouth District Council, Stratford District Council and South Taranaki District Council when they develop their speed management plans for the roads they control. Comments and survey responses around public transport and cycling and walking will shape a new Better Travel Choices in Taranaki strategy developed by the regional council.
The public will also be able to comment on bus services across Taranaki with the feedback helping to shape consultation later in the year on Citylink, Southlink and Connector routes.
Mrs Littlewood added: “We’ll be working with the district councils later in the year when they consult with the public about their speed management plans. There’ll also be the chance for our community to have a say on the Better Travel Choices strategy and if we’ve got that right.
“All of this will feed into developing a Regional Land Transport Plan in 2024 which looks at all-things transport over the next 10 years and how that’s paid for.”
Roadsafe Taranaki team leader, Marion Webby, would like the public to give feedback. “We want the public to ask questions of decision makers and let us know what you think could be included in a regional strategy that considers all road users. That means young, old, in between, drivers, riders, pedestrians, community groups, car clubs and those with accessibility issues.”
Head to link) to comment or take part in a survey from 15 March to 30 April. There is one $200 Prezzy Card up for grabs for those taking part.
The road ahead: Putting together a plan for transport in Taranaki
- March-April 2023: Feedback sought on public transport, cycling and walking, the long-term vision for transport and road safety and speed management
- October-December 2023: Public consultation on district councils’ speed management plans and Better Travel Choices for Taranaki strategy.
- January-March 2024: Public consultation on Regional Land Transport Plan (RLTP).
- March 2024: Hearings to finalise RLTP.
- April 2024: RLTP submitted for approval by Waka Kotahi.
- 1 July 2024: RLTP comes into effect.