If you’re old enough to remember the ‘80s, chances are you’ll recognise the words “old man’s beard must go”. More than 30 years after that David Bellamy ad, it hasn’t all gone but we haven’t given up the fight.

Old man’s beard remains one of our highest priority weeds. A vine that grows up to 20m tall, it creates a thick blanket that smothers trees and can destroy native forests.
In Taranaki you must control any old man’s beard on your property. There are however a couple of exceptions to this rule.
Years ago the Council recognised the scale of old man’s beard infestation along parts of the Kaūpokonui, Waingongoro and Pātea Rivers was too much for landowners to tackle. So we committed to doing that initial control ourselves.
The Kaūpokonui River has been done and we are now working systematically down the Waingongoro River from Ōpunake Road to the coast. Contractors operate mainly between August and March before the plant flowers and sets seed, controlling all plants within 50m of the middle of the river.
It's been tough and slow going in places due to the heavy infestation and high, steep riverbanks that can only be accessed by abseiling. But we’re making steady progress and the results are worth the effort.
Once each property is returned to a manageable state, responsibility for control goes back to the occupier. It will be several more years before the Waingongoro is finished, then we’ll move to the Pātea. To the landowners along these rivers, thanks for your patience and support.
A final tip. Old man’s beard is noticeable at the moment due to its fluffy seeds so it’s a great idea to mark the plant with string so you can find it easily in spring to control it.
For photos and control info see www.weedbusters.org.nz/what-are-weeds/weed-list/old-mans-beard/(external link).