Taranaki people have a new way to demonstrate their wild enthusiasm for the region’s natural environment.
‘Wild for Taranaki’, launched earlier this year by Conservation Minister Maggie Barry,provides a direct link between the community and important environmental projects across the region, making it easy to offer support
financially and/or as volunteers.
“We want the whole community to become ‘wild for Taranaki’ and help us achieve our goals,” says Mike Weren, Chair of the Taranaki Biodiversity Trust – the organisation behind Wild for Taranaki.
“People can become involved as friends or members of the Trust, or volunteer their time and skills, or make donations – there are many ways to help,” says Mr Weren. “See our website at www.wildfortaranaki.nz(external link) for more information.”
The Trust was formed last year by key community groups and agencies involved in the protection of native plants, animals and ecosystems in Taranaki.
It aims to support such work throughout the region by encouraging public involvement, ensuring co-ordination between groups and agencies in the field, fostering links and raising funds. The Taranaki Regional Council is a core funder of the Taranaki Biodiversity Trust and provides administrative support.
RECOUNT — Taranaki Regional Council's quarterly newsletter
Issue 101, June 2016