There were plenty of April showers last month with nearly 775mm of rain at the North Egmont Visitors Centre and 574.5mm at Dawson Falls.

Rainfall was on average 101.8% of the long-term average, and ranged from 65% at Taungatara at Eltham Rd and Oeo u/s Awatuna Wetland, to 192% at Matarawa at Matarawa Valley. Year to date rainfall is sitting between 103% (Mangati at SH3) and 206% (Matarawa at Matarawa Valley) with an average of 139.7% of normal.
Mean river flows were 133.8% of typical values, low flows were 243.5%, and high flows 114.3%, of typical values while Mean river (non-mountain) water temperatures were 14.4ºC, an average of +0.3ºC different to long-term April values. The average air temperature for the region (excluding Te Maunga sites) was 15.2ºC, which is +0.6ºC relative to normal.
April 2023 hydrology report [PDF, 993 KB]
For a more detailed analysis of the rainfall at the North Egmont Visitors Centre, click here [JPG, 106 KB].
April 2023 rainfall maps
What you should know:
The site maps show data from a selection of the sites we monitor, but not all of them.
The distribution maps are based on mathematical modelling and may not accurately represent actual rainfall in some unmonitored areas.
Click on each map for larger version.