August was exceptionally wet, with many rain-gauges collecting more than twice the typical rain for the month.

The average was 176.6% of the long-term average, and ranged from 80% at Rimunui Station to 387% at Dawson Falls.
Year to date rainfall is sitting between 113% (Manganui at SH3 Midhirst) and 211% (Dawson Falls) with an average of 141.7% of normal. Cape Egmont remains at around 211% of normal to date and has already received 95% of a typical year’s rain in eight months.
Mean river flows for August were high like July, and generally above typical August averages at more than two times normal long-term averages. Mean river water temperatures were an average of 1.3ºC above long-term August values.
August 2022 rainfall maps
What you should know:
The site maps show data from a selection of the sites we monitor, but not all of them.
The distribution maps are based on mathematical modelling and may not accurately represent actual rainfall in some unmonitored areas.
Click on each map for larger version.