Give the gift of biodiversity this Christmas – get a $10 rat-trap and box from a New Plymouth pop-up shop.

Get the gift of biodiversity from a New Plymouth pop-up shop selling rat-traps
The Towards Predator-Free Taranaki pop up shop is on the corner of Devon St and Liardet Street. It is open from:
9am to 5pm weekdays
10am-2pm Saturday
9am to 12pm Friday December 21 and Monday 24 December
It opened last week and will close on December 24th so Christmas shoppers and/or people who want to get trapping, to protect biodiversity in their backyard, need to be quick!
Towards Predator-Free Project Manager Toby Shanley says the child and pet safe traps and boxes are being sold by Towards Predator-Free Taranaki, just in time for shoppers to put one under the Christmas tree for that person who has everything.
“A rat-trap and box is the gift that will keep on giving - protecting native wildlife and plants with every rat trapped in your backyard,“ Mr Shanley says.
New Plymouth has the largest percentage of indigenous plant cover out of any city in the country. To protect this, one in five houses in New Plymouth need to trap in their backyard, helping native plants and wildlife by removing rats, as part of Towards Predator-Free. So far about 2,500 rat traps have been deployed in New Plymouth district, mainly in backyards.
Find out more about the region-wide project here: