Congrats New Plymouth district you’re keeping on top of the rats!

Results of our urban rat tracking monitoring are now in and while there’s been a slight increase on last year, we’re happy.
The goal is sustained control and we’re doing that – with numbers staying pretty stable over the past four years. A shout out New Plymouth District Council and its volunteers and all the backyard trappers doing the mahi.
We also monitored in Stratford (10% rats – lots of hedgehogs!) and Inglewood (30% rats) this year.

Zero rats at some spots? We wish! Our annual rat tracking is a one night snapshot, to give an indicative trend of what's happening. So yes on that night, no rats crossed our tracking cards at four of the 10 sites.
Rats love hanging out near waterways and lots of bush with good food sources. In our NP monitoring, the higher numbers were at sites near rivers or streams – such as Herekawe Walkway (beside the Herekawe Stream) and Karina Rd in Merrilands, where there are a number of streams, wetlands and significant bush areas.
While we’re always aiming to do better, controlling rats at or around the current level is enough to achieve biodiversity gains.