It was all hands on deck at Tūpare for the monthly working bee in June, where work was done, coffee was drunk and a whole lot of catching up took place.

Taranaki Regional Council Gardeners at Tūpare
On the first Thursday of every month, gardeners from Pukeiti, Hollard, and Tūpare come together to lend a helping hand. Tūpare was next on the list, where a full day's work went into tidying up the autumn mess, says Tūpare Head Gardener Nick Lelean.
“These working bees are a highlight of our month and the timing was perfect for us. Autumn is the best time of year at Tūpare but this also means an awful lot of autumn leaf-fall.”
The monthly working bee is a way to get on top of work and also to provide an opportunity for gardeners to catch up with those they don't see day-to-day, according to Regional Gardens Manager Stuart Robertson.
“These sessions are essential for maintaining the health of our gardens and they also foster a strong sense of community among our staff. It's a win-win for both the gardens and our team.”
Hollard Gardens Head Gardener Shannon Boden looks forward to the working bees, seeing them as an opportunity to learn new tricks of the trade from other gardeners.
“It's a great way to stay connected with colleagues from other gardens and to share knowledge and experiences. I always come away from these days learning something new.”
The next working bee is scheduled for 4 July at Pukeiti, where the team will continue preparations for the upcoming Taranaki Garden Festival.