Hydraulic fracturing
Hydraulic fracturing involves pumping fluids (consisting mainly of freshwater and
some fraccing chemicals) and a proppant (medium-grained sand or small ceramic
pellets) at high pressure down the well through the perforated casing and into
reservoir. The pressure exceeds the fracture strength of the reservoir rock and
hydraulically causes an artificial fracture to form in the receiving formation, but not
in the overlaying
collected in bins located at the base of the
shaker and disposed of off site.
Hydraulic Fracturing
Hydraulic fracturing involves pumping fluids (consisting of freshwater, fraccing
chemicals) and a proppant [medium-grained sand or small ceramic pellets] at high
pressure down the well through the perforated casing and into the reservoir to
exceed the fracture strength of the reservoir rock and hydraulically cause artificial
fractures to develop in the receiving formation, but not in the
Todd Energy Mangahewa-C hydraulic fracturing consent monitoring report - Taranaki Regional Council.
clause; and
• Special condition 9 is a review provision.
There is no record of the consent 3895 ever being exercised, as all injection from the
Tuhua-B wellsite has been via the McKee Disposal-1 well, under consent 1315-1.
Resource Consent: 4182-2
“To discharge waste drilling fluids, fraccing fluids, water, produced water, stormwater and
production sludges from hydrocarbon exploration and production operations by deepwell
injection at the McKee-A wellsite via McKee-1 well”
1 NZ resource sector position paper: Fraccing on
Water used in fracture operations is generally sourced from municipal supplies in
Taranaki. Even though this is high quality water, biocides are added to prevent the
possibility of bacterial action interfering with the gel management system discussed
During the process of fracturing, some of the chemicals are sorbed by the geologic
media (e.g., clay stabilisers). Process design provides for some
STOS KA-19/20 wellsite consent monitoring report - Taranaki Regional Council.
Todd Energy Mangahewa-C hydraulic fracturing consent monitoring report - Taranaki Regional Council.
Todd Energy Mangahewa-C wellsite consent monitoring report - Taranaki Regional Council.