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Taranaki Iwi

The rohe of Taranaki Iwi extends along the coastal and mountain area between Ōuri and the Rāwa o Turi stream in the south and Ōnukutaipari in the north. Taranaki Iwi interests also extend inland to Te Whakangerengere on the northeastern flank of the mountain, up the Waipuku stream to Te Tahuna o Tūtawa (Warwicks Castle), over to Panitahi (Fanthoms Peak) and down to Mangoraukawa (Lake Dive) and the source of the Ōuri stream. It then follows the Ōuri stream water course towards the coast, with a

Iwi contacts

Contact information for each of Taranaki's iwi can be found in this directory. Please use our contact page if you have any queries regarding the contents of this directory. Iwi boundaries Disclaimer The Taranaki Regional Council wishes to record its appreciation for the assistance it has been given to establish this database. The Council has made every effort to ensure the accuracy of the information in the database but accepts no responsibility for consequences arising from any error. The iwi

Iwi & Council

Iwi are represented on key Council committees and are consulted closely in resource consenting, planning and other processes. The Council also helps to empower iwi to monitor freshwater quality. As part of the region's Treaty of Waitangi settlements three iwi representatives are appointed to each of the Council’s two main standing committees, the Policy and Planning Committee and the Operations and Regulatory Committee. All eight iwi in the region are involved in the selection process with the

Working with iwi

The Council strives to ensure its decision-making, planning and consenting processes are inclusive and collaborative to ensure that iwi perspectives can be properly considered.

Appendix 10F: Taranaki iwi

Kupe O Ngati Ruanui (Schedule 6 Ngati Ruanui Claims Settlement Act 2003)  Statutory Acknowledgement for Tangahoe River (Schedule 7 Ngati Ruanui Claims Settlement Act 2003)  Statutory Acknowledgement for Whenuakura River (Schedule 8 Ngati Ruanui Claims Settlement Act 2003)  Statutory Acknowledgement for Patea River (Schedule 9 Ngati Ruanui Claims Settlement Act 2003) The statements of association of Taranaki Iwi are set out below. These are statements of Taranaki

Ngaa Rauru Kiitahi

Ngaa Rauru Kiitahi is one of eight generally recognised iwi of Taranaki. Rauru is the eponymous ancestor of Ngaa Rauru Kiitahi and it is from him that the tribal name is derived. Ngaa Rauru Kiitahi is located in south Taranaki. *Wording taken from the Deed of Settlement between the Crown and Ngaa Rauru Kiitahi summary. Contact Ngaa Rauru Kiitahi Authorised voiceTe Kaahui o Rauru Legal Entity of Ngaa Rauru Kiitahi Website: link) Location 12-14 Drews Ave, Whanganui

Stadium Taranaki project FAQs

space for events such as conferences and trade exhibitions, and flexible and scalable seating capacity. Its facilities (toilets, showers, changing rooms, food and beverage areas) will also be available to users of the outer fields without needing to open up the entire stand or stadium. The stand will be closer to the main pitch as well, giving visitors a more intimate viewing experience. Why is the design of the East Stand important? We working closely with iwi partners Ngāti Te Whiti on the design