items have been completed.
3.12 Mr T Velvin highlighted a risk around recovery manager depth and the current
across roles with fatigue across councils and businesses advising that we are
likely to see change within the depth of statutory roles.
3.13 Mayor P Nixon, congratulated TEMO on the Taranaki model being singled out
nationally as a stand out District Health Board and additionally, the efforts of iwi
during difficult periods to ensure the community is looked after.
3.14 Mr T
levels in the mussels collected at all of the sites on 27 November 2023
(Table 7). Factors which can increase the risk of norovirus infection in shellfish include prolonged onshore
winds which can direct the effluent back towards shore, and norovirus infection rates in the community
which will directly affect the levels of norovirus in the HWWTP wastewater. STDC and local iwi are notified
when norovirus is detected. Due to the limited access to the coast at these sites permanent warning signage
Date 22 November 2022, 10.30am
Venue: Taranaki Regional Council Boardroom, 47 Cloten Road, Stratford
Document: 3124846
Members Councillor S W Hughes Chairperson
D M Cram Deputy Chairperson
M J Cloke
B J Bigham Via Zoom
M G Davey
D H McIntyre
D L Lean Via Zoom
N W Walker ex officio
C L Littlewood ex officio
Members Mr D Luke Iwi Representative
Attending Mr S J Ruru Chief
• Contribute toward our valued relationship with Ngā Iwi o Taranaki. To
demonstrate our Taranaki Regional Council’s commitment to recognise
and provide for the kaitiaki responsibility Ngā Iwi o Taranaki has for the
natural environment. This will include sharing of knowledge and
information, creating opportunities for increased participation in
decision making processes, effective engagement and development of
existing working relationships.
• Contribute to multi
Date: 30 April 2024
Venue: Taranaki Regional Council Boardroom, 47 Cloten Road, Stratford
Document: 3269783
Present: S W Hughes Chair
M J Cloke
D M Cram
M G Davey
B J Bigham (zoom)
D L Lean (zoom)
C L Littlewood ex officio
N W Walker ex officio
Ā White Iwi Representative
R Buttimore Iwi Representative
P Muir Federated Farmers
D H McIntyre (Joined meeting at 10.02am)
Attending: S J Ruru Chief Executive (joined
or advantages and disadvantages prior to making a decision on this
Ordinary Council - Confirmation of Ordinary Council Minutes - 31 October 2023
7. Confirmation of Iwi Appointments for the 2024/2034 Long-Term Plan
7.1 Mr S Ruru spoke to the memorandum advising the members this item will be left on
the table as to date notification of representatives had not been received from Ngā Iwi
o Taranaki.
climate change programme. It will
also provide high-quality advice and guidance to all levels of the organisation to empower the
integration of climate change considerations across the Council.
The role will have a strong focus on working with stakeholders to drive regional action on climate
change adaptation. This will require working closely with the region’s district councils, iwi and
hapū, and communities to support our collective climate change efforts.
Role dimensions | Te
and should it be expanded to include that it can be an
appointed delegate of the Chief Executive of one of the four local authorities.
7.3 Further clarification from the Committee was requested surrounding page 58, section
relating to “Voting” particularly around “Members are to vote in accordance with
their role (e.g. Representative of a Council, Representative of an Iwi or Chair of an
Advisory Group).” And what impacts that would having on balancing the voting
meetings have been held by the district councils with Māori at hapū and marae
level. Legally it is appropriate that discussions are held with Marae Trusts as the
landowners, though iwi authorities should be made aware that these conversations are
occurring. Recommendation made by WK that all contact should be recorded in writing
to be able to stand up at any later stage.
9. RTC on Wednesday 6 September Fiona Ritson TRC
• Reminder that the next RTC meeting is at 10.30am Wed 6 September.
Members Councillor C L Littlewood Committee Chairperson
Councillor N W Walker Deputy Chairperson
Councillor M J McDonald
Councillor D H McIntyre
Councillor E D Van Der Leden
Councillor C S Williamson
Councillor M G Davey
Councillor D N MacLeod ex officio
Members Councillor C Young South Taranaki District Council
Councillor G Boyde Stratford District Council
Councillor S Hitchcock New Plymouth District Council
Ms B Bigham Iwi Representative