Your search for 'iwi'' returned 1084 results.

TRC Bulletin - February 2022

principles, values, cultural expertise and practical implementation. Five iwi management plans have now been presented to the Council by the respective iwi of Taranaki. Work underway to prepare dairy farmers for nitrogen capsCouncil staff are working collaboratively to ensure the dairy sector in Taranaki is ready for new reporting requirements around synthetic nitrogen fertiliser use. The Essential Freshwater package released by the government in August 2020 included provisions seeking to cap the

TRC Bulletin - 21 November 2017

the issues that were raised. The Committee was told that good progress has been made in identifying coastal sites of significance to iwi, so that appropriate recognition can be incorporated into the new Plan, and so that Iwi can be involved when decisions are made on activities that may impact on the sites. This has been a lengthy and intricate process for Iwi and Council officers, and discussions are continuing. Iwi would have opportunity for further site information input during the formal

Regional Air Quality Plan

Appendix 10C: Ngāti Tama (364 KB pdf) Appendix 10D: Ngaa Rauru Kiitahi (294 KB pdf) Appendix 10E: Ngāti Mutunga (421 KB pdf) Appendix 10F: Taranaki iwi (548 KB pdf) Referenced documents (119 KB pdf) Appendix 10G: Ngāruahine (440 KB pdf) Appendix 10H: Te Atiawa (189 KB pdf) Appendix 9: Smoke from burning vegitation (72 KB pdf) Rules of the Regional Air Quality Plan for Taranaki Introduction and explanation of the regional rules updated Oct 2023 (512 KB pdf) See and download the Plan rules Introduction

Regional Air Quality Plan

Appendix 10C: Ngāti Tama (364 KB pdf) Appendix 10D: Ngaa Rauru Kiitahi (294 KB pdf) Appendix 10E: Ngāti Mutunga (421 KB pdf) Appendix 10F: Taranaki iwi (548 KB pdf) Referenced documents (119 KB pdf) Appendix 10G: Ngāruahine (440 KB pdf) Appendix 10H: Te Atiawa (189 KB pdf) Appendix 9: Smoke from burning vegitation (72 KB pdf) Rules of the Regional Air Quality Plan for Taranaki Introduction and explanation of the regional rules updated Oct 2023 (512 KB pdf) See and download the Plan rules Introduction

Regional Air Quality Plan

Appendix 10C: Ngāti Tama (364 KB pdf) Appendix 10D: Ngaa Rauru Kiitahi (294 KB pdf) Appendix 10E: Ngāti Mutunga (421 KB pdf) Appendix 10F: Taranaki iwi (548 KB pdf) Referenced documents (119 KB pdf) Appendix 10G: Ngāruahine (440 KB pdf) Appendix 10H: Te Atiawa (189 KB pdf) Appendix 9: Smoke from burning vegitation (72 KB pdf) Rules of the Regional Air Quality Plan for Taranaki Introduction and explanation of the regional rules updated Oct 2023 (512 KB pdf) See and download the Plan rules Introduction

Operations and Regulatory Committee Agenda 18 March 2025

Confirmation of Operations and Regulatory Minutes - 4 February 2025 5 page Date: 4 February 2025 Venue: Taranaki Regional Council Boardroom, 47 Cloten Road, Stratford Document: TRCID-1492626864-271 Present: S W Hughes Chair M J Cloke D M Cram M G Davey B J Bigham zoom D L Lean zoom (left meeting at 9.50am) D M McIntyre C L Littlewood ex officio N W Walker ex officio R Buttimore Iwi Representative D Luke Iwi Representative Ā White

TRC Bulletin - November 2020

Items of interest from this week's meetings of the Council's two key committees, Consents & Regulatory, and Policy & Planning: Iwi's new waterway assessments welcomedAn iwi assessment of two North Taranaki waterways gives the Council a useful opportunity to engage and learn more about the Māori environmental perspective, the Consents & Regulatory Committee was told. This is of vital importance because the Government’s new freshwater requirements oblige the Council to ‘consider and recognise’ Te

TRC Bulletin - 24 November 2016

Items of interest from today's meeting of the Taranaki Regional Council Policy and Planning Committee: Iwi testing the waters Council officers are providing a number of iwi and hapū in the region with training and advice to allow them to monitor the health of waterways using a ‘Stream Health Monitoring and Assessment Kit’ (SHMAK) developed by NIWA, the Committee was told. An initial approach for assistance came from the region’s southernmost iwi, Ngaa Rauru Kiitahi, and others have since

TRC Bulletin - February 2021

records. Details of about 800 sites have been compiled and officers are now working with individual iwi and hapū on changes and modifications. They’re also working with the region’s three district councils. Tangata whenua participation is crucial to the project, the Committee was told, and this work will not be rushed. The Council will take a flexible and supportive approach, recognising that iwi and hapū may need to devote their time and resources to other issues as well. The exercise is part of the

TRC Bulletin - March 2018

Freshwater Plan has already included extensive consultation with stakeholders and the community, with further investigations under way. A proposed new Plan is yet to be finalised and formally notified. Iwi input soughtThe Council will consult iwi authorities over new Government requirements for freshwater monitoring to incorporate mātauranga Māori, or traditional Māori knowledge, the Policy and Planning Committee was told. An internal Council report has identified themes and indicators common to both