bridges to be constructed more efficiently. Further
details and updates at www.nzta/
Normanby Overbridge Realignment – enabling works have commenced in January 2015.
Project will take approximately two years to complete. Official sod turning and Iwi
blessing ceremony will be held on Thursday 5 March 2015 at 11am. Invitations will be
sent to invitees including the Regional Transport Committee, Taranaki Regional Council
and South Taranaki District Council.
STDC Hāwera municipal oxidation ponds consent monitoring report 2018-2019
Taranaki Regional Council Biosecurity Strategy
Taranaki Regional Council Biosecurity Strategy - Post-Hearing version.
TRC and or other parties with an enduring and prescriptive
management plan to address the long term site future.
Mike Nager of TRC drove Ian Field to the site where we were accompanied by two staff from the
Taranaki District Health Board. Mike Nager and Ian Field wore disposable overalls and P2 respiratory
protection. The Taranaki District Health staff were issued P2 respiratory protection. Two local Iwi were
near the site entrance but our limited site time did not allow Ian Field any
waipuke – a flood waka – canoe rua - two
iti – small nui – large rangi – sky
tāheke – cascade kiri kiri – stony tokanui – boulder
one - sandy whenua – land puke – hill
kura – reddish colour manga – a small river or stream awa awa – a valley formed by river
ko Pātea te awa o tōku iwi – Patea is the river of my tribe
See if you can match some words to find out the
meanings of some of these river names.
Whenuakura Mangaone
Waitotara Pukerua
coast. The traditional practice of manākitanga and having fish and shellfish on the
table at hui or tangi is hugely significant to our Maori communities.
There is some data available from iwi as to the scale of customary fishing (i.e. Pataka/whata
and Customary authorisations) with the potential for more data to be added as the iwi/hapu
become more familiar with data collection and the tools available.
Any incident that prevents harvesting or damages an area will be viewed very seriously by
to note and if applicable, action, were:
Turangi-B wellsite: Further works had been undertaken to enlarge the soakage pit following feedback from
iwi that they would not support a discharge to water in the event that the soakage pit overflowed.
Ohanga: The skimmer pit liner was to be replaced during the summer.
Kowhai-D: The northern skimmer pit was to be emptied during summer to determine if the liner was
leaking. It was noted that the sediment traps on the access track needed