has always been central to the relationship between iwi o Taranaki and the Taranaki coastline. The following five principles summarise
key elements of this relationship.
(a) Mai te maunga Taranaki ki te Tai a Kupe: (interconnectiveness) (another way of expressing this is Ki uta ki tai).
The domain of Tangaroa extends from the source of the rivers on Mount Taranaki to the moana (sea). Each awa (river) is linked and together form an entity that includes its
source, and the moana.
privilege to work closely with Nga Iwi
o Taranaki, something I have been honoured to do since living in the region since 2003. That
annotation mailto:haveyoursay@trc.govt.nz mailto:haveyoursay@trc.govt.nz
said, I do not have the right to make decisions about Māori without them nor determine if
Māori should have a specific electoral ward to guarantee a Māori voice at the decision
making table.
As the Regional Council is acutely aware the matters within its governance
Regulatory Committee Minutes
Date 12 October 2021, 9.30am
Venue: Taranaki Regional Council Boardroom, 47 Cloten Road, Stratford)
Document: 2886468
Members Councillors D L Lean Committee Chairperson
C S Williamson via zoom
M J Cloke via zoom
M G Davey
C L Littlewood
D H McIntyre
E D Van Der Leden via zoom
D N MacLeod ex officio
Representative Mr K Holswich Iwi Representative via zoom
Members Ms E Bailey Iwi
Regional Council chambers, 47 Cloten Road, Stratford
Document: 2646148
Members Councillors C L Littlewood Committee Chairperson
N W Walker Committee Deputy Chairperson
M J McDonald
D H McIntyre
E D Van Der Leden
C S Williamson
M P Joyce ex officio (zoom)
Members Councillor C Young South Taranaki District Council
Mr P Moeahu Iwi Representative
Ms L Tester Iwi Representative
Ms B Bigham Iwi Representative (zoom)
only one voice amongst eleven however a very important voice for Maori.
The Taranaki Regional Council has established 3 Iwi positions on The
Policy and Planning Committee as well as The Consents and Regulatory
Committee which they say is mandated by the Te Tiriti which does give
them a vote on their committees but not a vote on the full regional council.
In finishing up I totally agree with my late Uncle's vision back in 2010 " that
the way to deal with inequality is to provide representation.That
S J Ruru – Chief Executive, spoke to the members for their consideration of
whether to undertake a representation review for the 2025 Council elections.
6.2 Councillor B J Bigham, updated the members that Iwi meet today and are yet to
advise. Therefore this paper will be held over to the next meeting
That the Taranaki Regional Council:
received the memorandum Electoral Decisions- Representation Review
does not undertake a review of representation
constituting an Operations and Regulatory Committee, a
nomination from Federated Farmers be requested to fill the representative
position on the committee.
j) noted that the Iwi of Taranaki have made appointments to the Policy and
Planning and Operations and Regulatory committees.
k) agreed that, in reconstituting a Regional Transport Committee, nominations from
the three Taranaki District Councils and the New Zealand Transport Agency be
requested to fill the representative positions on the
185 Regional Air Quality Plan for Taranaki
Appendix XA: Statutory acknowledgements
Statutory acknowledgements
A statutory acknowledgement is a means by which the Crown has formally acknowledged the statements made by the
iwi of the particular cultural, spiritual, historical, and traditional association of the iwi with the statutory areas.
The purposes of statutory acknowledgements are—
(a) to require consent authorities, the
reflect the variety of histories that span across the Southern Hill Country FMU and emphasise
how each iwi are intrinsically connected to wai (water) through their whakapapa, culture and spirit. Some of
Figure 1 The Southern Hill Country FMU sitting within the
broader Taranaki region.
Southern Hill Country Freshwater Management Unit Discussion Document
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these are recorded in Statutory Acknowledgements (contained in Deeds of Settlement) and
Van Der Leden (Late)
M P Joyce ex officio
D N MacLeod ex officio
Representative Mr M Ritai Iwi Representative
Members Mr K Holswich Iwi Representative
Attending Messrs S Ruru Chief Executive
M J Nield Director – Corporate Services
G K Bedford Director - Environment Quality
A D McLay Director – Resource Management
D Harrison Director - Operations
C McLellan Consents Manager
B Pope Compliance Manager
R Phipps Science …