Your search for 'iwi' returned 1061 results.

Form No 400 Excavate drill tunnel disturb deposit occupy

(Long-Term-Plans/TRC-2024-34-Long-Term-Plan) In accordance with statutory requirements a copy of this application may be sent to iwi for their information. Official information Please lodge the application by signing the front page and sending the completed form to: Mail: Taranaki Regional Council, Private Bag 713, Stratford 4352. Attention: Consents Administration Officer Email: (if application is emailed please do not mail a hard copy unless requested to do so by the

Ordinary meeting agenda December 2021

Committee - 23 November 2021 Ordinary Meeting Copy - Consents and Regulatory Committee Minutes 9 page Date 23 November 2021, 9.30am Venue: Taranaki Regional Council Boardroom, 47 Cloten Road, Stratford) Document: 2920197 Members Councillors D L Lean Committee Chairperson C S Williamson Zoom M J Cloke Zoom M G Davey C L Littlewood D H McIntyre E D Van Der Leden D N MacLeod ex officio Representative Mr K Holswich Iwi

Appendix S - Assessment of cultural effects

................................................................................................................................. 6 6. Ngāti Mutunga Iwi Environmental Management Plan .......................................................... 9 7. TRC Policies & Objectives Relating to Cultural Relationship Values ................................ 14 8. Conclusions & Recommendations............................................................................................. 15 ATTACHMENTS Attachment A – Iwi Environmental Management Plan page Landpro Ltd © 1 1. Introduction

Agenda Taranaki Solid Waste Management Committee 4 November 2021

memorandum and the associated recommendations are consistent with the policy documents and positions adopted by this Council under various legislative frameworks including, but not restricted to, the Local Government Act 2002, the Resource Management Act 1991 and the Local Government Official Information and Meetings Act 1987. Taranaki Solid Waste Management Committee - Taranaki District Health Board COVID-19 Associated Biohazard Waste 9 page Iwi considerations 4. This memorandum

Appendix 10: Statutory acknowledgements

Statutory acknowledgements A statutory acknowledgement is a means by which the Crown has formally acknowledged the statements made by the iwi of the particular cultural, spiritual, historical, and traditional association of the iwi with the statutory areas. The purposes of statutory acknowledgements are— (a) to require consent authorities, the Environment Court and the Historic Places Trust to have regard to the statutory acknowledgements; (b) to require relevant consent

SOE2022 Further Reading Iwi management plans - Ngāti Mutanga culturally strong and secure in our identity, Iwi management plan. uploads/2022/06/Pages-from-Ngati-Mutunga-Iwi-Environmental-Management-Plan-Part-1.pdf - Ngāti Ruanui (2012). Ngāti Ruanui Environmental Management Plan. Retrieved from docs/final_ngati_ruanui_emp_v3 - Taranaki Iwi. Taiao, Taiora. An Iwiw Environmental Management Plan for the

Regional Transport Agenda Feb 2024

were taken as read and confirmed as accurate. Previous meeting minutes approved Moved Tom Cloke Seconded Alan Jamison Matters Arising In relation to items 3.11 invitation to iwi to attend SH3WG meeting. Alan Jamison asked for an update. Mike Nield advised that this was still a work in progress due to boundary issues. A commitment to getting iwi on board continues. 3. Update of Corridor maintenance and Improvement Works on SH3 – Awakino Gorge and Mt


resources of the region for future generations. This vision recognises the roles and responsibilities shared by all people in Taranaki to ensure the sustainable and focused protection of fresh water air, land (soil), water (61) and coastal environments for economic, social, cultural and recreational purposes. Guiding principles for the management of the coast The sustainable management of coastal resources has always been central to the relationship between iwi o Taranaki and the Taranaki

2320393 Hearing Panel decisions Track Changes

(soil), water (61) and coastal environments for economic, social, cultural and recreational purposes. Guiding principles for the management of the coast The sustainable management of coastal resources has always been central to the relationship between iwi o Taranaki and the Taranaki coastline. The following five principles summarise key elements of this relationship. (a) Mai te maunga Taranaki ki te Tai a Kupe: (interconnectiveness) (another way of expressing this is Ki uta ki

Track-changes version of Proposed Coastal Plan for hearing

natural and physical resources of the region for future generations. This vision recognises the roles and responsibilities shared by all people in Taranaki to ensure the sustainable and focused protection of fresh water air, land (soil), water (61) and coastal environments for economic, social, cultural and recreational purposes. Guiding principles for the management of the coast The sustainable management of coastal resources has always been central to the relationship between iwi o