Your search for 'iwi' returned 1017 results.

Resource consents 16 April to 27 May 2021

Acknowledgement) Engagement or consultation: Te Kotahitanga o Te Atiawa Trust Comment on application received  Generally consistent with Iwi Environmental Management Plan  Application lacks sufficient detail R2/2678-3.0 Commencement Date: 20 Apr 2021 RNB Trust Limited Expiry Date: 01 Dec 2044 Review Dates: Jun 2026, Jun 2032, Jun 2038 Activity Class: Controlled Location: 556 Egmont Road, Hillsborough Application Purpose: Replace To

Policy & Planning agenda Nov 2019

It was noted the deadline for submissions was 19 August 2019. The submission reflects Council policies and a previous submission on threats to Hector’s and Māui dolphins. 7.3 Feedback from the Committee to the Department of Conservation will be provided noting that there should be an increase in consultation with Iwi throughout the process. Recommended That the Taranaki Regional Council: a) receives the memorandum Submission on protecting Hector’s and Māui dolphins; and


Smith as enforcement officers, under section 33G(a) of the Maritime Transport Act 1994 and 174 of the Local Government Act 2002, and approves their warrant powers. Cloke/Williamson 9. Iwi Appointments to Taranaki Regional Council Standing Committees 9.1 Mr M J Nield, Director-Corporate Services, spoke to the memorandum to receive and confirm iwi appointments to the Council’s Consents and Regulatory Committee and Policy and Planning Committee. Resolved THAT

Regional Transport agenda June 2019

are consistent with the policy documents and positions adopted by this Council under various legislative frameworks including, but not restricted to, the Local Government Act 2002 and the Land Transport Management Act 2003. Regional Transport Committee - Minutes of the Regional Transport Advisory Group 8 page Iwi considerations 5. This memorandum and the associated recommendations are consistent with the Council’s policy for the development of Māori capacity to

Agenda Regional Transport Committee 2 June 2021

with the policy documents and positions adopted by this Council under various legislative frameworks including, but not restricted to, the Local Government Act 2002, the Resource Management Act 1991 and the Local Government Official Information and Meetings Act 1987. Iwi considerations 9. This memorandum and the associated recommendations are consistent with the Council’s policy for the development of Māori capacity to contribute to decision-making processes (schedule 10 of the Local

Executive, Audit & Risk agenda September 2020

Councillor C L Littlewood commended officers for bringing this to the Committee. 6.3 It was noted that other Councils around the country have climate change committees and this is something to think about for the future. 6.4 It was suggested that the Climate Change Strategy memorandum be recommended to the Policy and Planning Committee for consideration by iwi and District Council representatives. Recommends That the Taranaki Regional Council: a) receives the memorandum …

Taranaki Regional Council Biodiversity Strategy 2017

programmes 34 5.3 Working with others 35 5.3.1 Objectives 35 5.3.2 Biodiversity forums 36 5.3.3 Protocols with others 37 5.3.4 ‘Iconic’ and ‘significant’ projects 38 5.3.5 Working with iwi 40 5.3.6 Working with others 41 5.3.7 Advocacy 42 5.3.8 Measuring and reporting progress with working with others on biodiversity programmes 43 5.4 Monitoring and information management and sharing 45 5.4.1 Objectives 45 5.4.2 Operational monitoring and information

Enviroschools Celebrations Booklet Term 3 2023

environment ki Te Pūtahi Kura Pūhou o Devon. 14 page Hapai Oho: Te Wao o Papatūānūkū Te Ao Māori Perspectives: Making a Lasagne Garden. Our Hapai Oho Kaiako Māori ropū had an amazing day working in te taiao, spending time not only ki waho, outside, but also learning how to plant and hauhake around the phases of the moon or maramataka. Pounamu Skelton who descends from Te Ati Awa, Taranaki, Ngati Ruanui iwi facilitated on her tupuna whenua, the

Regional Transport agenda December 2020

financial year and build in the next financial year. Need more design and preparation work and ensure good consultation with iwi is happening.  Working to tidy up the AMP to prevent duplication.  Spending more money in rural areas with roads being destroyed by forestry so the budget for rehabs is high.  Integrated Transport Strategy – really want to get things under control with State Highway and bypass routes, linking the modes of transport.  Innovating Streets Inglewood – Have …

Draft Coastal Plan for Taranaki - Main body

for and nourished the iwi o Taranaki for generations. These resources were integral to the lives of the people who occupied the settlements that adjoined the coastline. Tangaroa provided for them materially, acted as a highway for travel, a source of rongoa (medicine), aided their well-being and provided for their spiritual sustenance. The coastal environment was highly valued and contained kainga (villages), pa (fortified villages), and pukawa (reefs) for the gathering of mātaitai