Your search for 'iwi' returned 1061 results.

Kairau Marae

Contact Kairau Marae Location Matarikoriko Road, Brixton Iwi Te Atiawa Member hapū Pukerangiora Marae Trustees Chairperson Te Paea Nuku Marae Trustees Secretary Kura Niwa email: Marae bookings Laura Knuckey Phone: 021 214 658 View on Google maps Te Atiawa marae Manukorihi Pā / Owae Marae Kairau Marae Muru-Raupatu Marae Rangiatea Marae Otaraua Marae

Aotearoa Pā

Contact Aotearoa Pā Location 63 Hastings Road, Okaiawa 4671 Iwi Ngāruahine Member Hapū Okahu Inuawai Chairperson, Aotearoa Pā Angela Kerehoma phone: 027 774 65986 email: Tawera Reihana email: View in Google maps Ngāruahine marae Oeo Pā Tawhitinui Marae Waiokura Marae Te Aroha o Titokowaru Marae Aotearoa Marae Kanihi - Mawhitiwhiti Pā Rangatapu Pā Okare Ki Uta Marae

Meremere Marae

Contact Meremere Marae Location Meremere/Ohangai Road Phone: 06 272 2885 Iwi Ngāti Ruanui Member Hapū Tuwhakaehu Ngāti Hine Related organisation / Komiti Pa and Hapu Charitable Trust Chairperson Te Pahunga Martin Davis Secretary Sharyn Tamarapa Phone: 06 754 7640 View on Google maps Ngāti Ruanui marae Ngarongo Marae Wharepuni Marae Taiporohenui Marae Pariroa Marae Manutahi Marae Meremere Marae Ngatiki Marae Whakaahurangi Marae

Te Pōtaka Pā

Contact Te Pōtaka Pā Location State Highway 45, Oaonui Contact details to come. Related organisation / Komiti Te Pōtaka Marae Trustees View on Google maps Taranaki Iwi marae Oākura Pā - Okorotua Marae Puniho Pā - Tarawainuku Marae Toroānui Marae Te Niho o Te Atiawa - Parāhuka Te Paepae o Te Raukura - Takitūtū Te Pōtaka Pā Orimupiko Marae

Kanihi - Mawhitiwhiti Pā

Contact Kanihi - Mawhitiwhiti Pā Location Hastings Road, Okaiawa Phone: 06 272 6797 Iwi Ngāruahine Member Hapū Kanihi - Umutahi (me etehi) Hapū Chairperson Daphne Tamou Roimata Robinson email: View on Google maps Ngāruahine marae Oeo Pā Tawhitinui Marae Waiokura Marae Te Aroha o Titokowaru Marae Aotearoa Marae Kanihi - Mawhitiwhiti Pā Rangatapu Pā Okare Ki Uta Marae

Ngāti Maniapoto

For a unified Maniapoto Iwi achieving cultural and social wellbeing, environmental sustainability and economic growth. Contact Ngāti Maniapoto Authorised voiceTe Nehenehenui (TNN) Invoices/accounts queries General queries Location 49 Taupiri St, Te Kuiti 3910 Postal address PO Box 36, Te Kuiti 3941 Website link) Maniapoto Rohe Map link) Chairperson Bella Takiari Brame Chief

Ngāti Mutunga

Ngāti Mutunga is one of eight generally recognised iwi of Taranaki. Mutunga is acknowledged by Ngāti Mutunga as the paramount and principal identifying ancestor from which ngā uri o ngā tūpuna o Ngāti Mutunga can trace descent. Ngāti Mutunga is located in northern Taranaki. *Wording taken from the Deed of Settlement between the Crown and Ngāti Mutunga summary. Contact Ngāti Mutunga Authorised voiceTe Rūnanga o Ngāti Mutunga Website: link) Location 6 Ngakoti Street,

Orimupiko Marae

Contact Orimupiko Marae Location 3611 Eltham Road, Opunake Postal address PO Box 83, Opunake Bookings: Joan Tapiki Phone: 06 761 8669 or 027 383 5607 Chairperson Tapakione Skinner Phone: 027 210 1236 email: Secretary Chris Commane email: Treasurer Jennifer Jones Phone: 027 383 5607 email: View in Google maps Related organisation / Komiti Orimupiko Reserve Trust Secretary Chris Commane Chairperson Tapakione Skinner Taranaki Iwi

Te Paepae o Te Raukura - Takitūtū

Contact Te Paepae o Te Raukura - Takitūtū Location Mid Parihaka Road, Pungarehu Postal address PO Box 786, New Plymouth Bookings: Hilda Ngaia Phone: 06 763 8844 Chair Ruakere Hond Phone: 021 736 256 email: Secretary Aroaro Tamati Phone: 027 201 9697 email: View on Google maps Related organisation / Komiti Te Paepae o Te Raukura Meeting House Chairperson Ruakere Hond Secretary Aroaro Tamati Taranaki Iwi marae Oākura Pā - Okorotua Marae Puniho Pā -

TRC Bulletin - August 2021

sections measuring 15m by 15m. This has reduced the area captured by the regulations to 5.2m hectares from the original 8.2m hectares. While Council officers support the change of methodology, they have not thoroughly tested the result so its integrity cannot yet be judged. Proposed changes to the low slope map Ngāti Maru settlement legislation welcomedNew legislation to implement the Ngāti Maru Treaty of Waitangi settlement includes provisions for an agreement between the iwi and the Council to work