Your search for 'iwi' returned 1061 results.

Form No 520 Certificate of Compliance

annum. Details of Council’s charging policy are in its 2015/2025 Long-Term Plan. ( In accordance with statutory requirements a copy of this application may be sent to iwi for their information. page 07/23- #650412 Page 8 of 8 Official information Please lodge the application by signing the front page and sending the completed form to: Mail: Taranaki Regional

Application Cover Letter 20 02053 4 0 + 5 other renewals 1 new Trustpower 25 November 2020

Council officers. Engagement with iwi and hapu have resulted in the formulation of the Mangorei Forum in 2019 which includes representatives of 11 hapu and iwi. The above stakeholders have all been provided site visits, draft versions of the technical assessments, presentations from some of the authors page of the technical reports and access to the authors for queries and discussion. Trustpower has incorporated and acknowledged much of the feedback

Geospatial Strategy 2021-2026

Infrastructure, Economic QGIS Iwi Stakeholders (Ngāti Tama/ Ngāti Mutunga/ Te Atiawa/ Ngāti Maru/ Taranaki Iwi/ Ngāruahine/ Ngāti Ruanui/ Ngaa Rauru Kiitahi/ Ngāti Maniapoto) Response, Population, Economic and Natural Environment Esri New Zealand Police Hazards, Response Esri Fire & Emergency New Zealand Hazards, Response Esri Taranaki District Health Board Response, Population, Infrastructure and


Act 1991 and the Local Government Official Information and Meetings Act 1987. Iwi considerations This memorandum and the associated recommendations are consistent with the Council’s policy for the development of Māori capacity to contribute to decision-making processes (schedule 10 of the Local Government Act 2002) as outlined in the adopted long-term plan and/or annual plan. Similarly, iwi involvement in adopted work programmes has been recognised in the preparation of this

Enviroschools Celebrations Booklet Term 3 2023

environment ki Te Pūtahi Kura Pūhou o Devon. 14 page Hapai Oho: Te Wao o Papatūānūkū Te Ao Māori Perspectives: Making a Lasagne Garden. Our Hapai Oho Kaiako Māori ropū had an amazing day working in te taiao, spending time not only ki waho, outside, but also learning how to plant and hauhake around the phases of the moon or maramataka. Pounamu Skelton who descends from Te Ati Awa, Taranaki, Ngati Ruanui iwi facilitated on her tupuna whenua, the

Council meeting agenda December 2019

the Regional Transport Committee d) agrees that on the reconstitution of Consents and Regulatory Committee, Policy and Planning Committee, Regional Transport Committee, Executive, Audit and Risk Committee, Taranaki Solid Waste Management Joint Committee and Yarrow Stadium Joint Committee for the triennial period 2019-2022 e) agrees that, in the reconstituting a Policy and Planning Committee, nominations form Taranaki Iwi (3), the three Taranaki District Councils and Federated Farmers

Dairy Discharge Monitoring Programme

Programme is indeed an integrated, cost effective, fair, comprehensive, robust, and scientifically-based programme designed and managed to deliver sustainable management of natural and physical resources in Taranaki. In September 2020 the Government released its freshwater package which included a greater recognition of iwi values in resource management and more of a partnering role for the Council and iwi going forward. Given this the monitoring strategy will be reviewed once

Council meeting agenda August 2018

Committee. 3.2 In response to matters raised at previous Consents and Regulatory Committee meeting, the agenda report details stakeholder and iwi interests for each monitoring report. Recommended THAT the Taranaki Regional Council 1. receives the 18-06 STDC Wai-inu Beach Settlement Monitoring Programme Annual Report 2017-2018 and adopts the specific recommendations therein. 2. receives the 18-05 Todd Petroleum Limited Mangahewa-C Hydraulic Fracturing Monitoring Programme

Biodiversity Strategy 2008

key players identified for each of the actions include government departments, local authorities, iwi and communities. Other work undertaken at the time included a Ministerial Advisory Committee established to develop an agreed set of proposals that would lead to effective and sustainable management of biodiversity outside the conservation estate 5 , 6 . To facilitate the implementation of the NZ Biodiversity Strategy the government established national