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Consultation Document - 2021/2031 Long-Term Plan

This involves the use of current RMA provisions to create a new freshwater policy, planning and management regime that impacts everything from farm practices to urban subdivision. Implementing this regime will be the largest single project in Council’s history. The role of iwi These reforms also give tangata whenua a greater role in freshwater management by focusing on Te Mana o Te Wai (the integrated and holistic well- being of water) and requiring a partnership approach to developing

TRC Annual Report 2018/2019

engrossed in a review of our ‘rulebook’, the Freshwater and Land Plan, to tease out issues and potential fixes. There’s been a raft of scientific studies and we’ve also been running a series of hui with iwi and other water users. The Council is still aiming to have a proposed new plan ready for notification in mid-2020. Pukeiti, Tūpare & Hollard Gardens A firm focus on presentation, interpretation and sound horticultural practice at the three heritage properties, Pukeiti, Tūpare

DraftAnnualReport18 web

steps it intends to take to foster the development of Māori capacity to contribute to the decision making processes over the period covered by the Plan. There are eight recognised iwi in the region, Ngaa Rauru Kiitahi, Ngāti Ruanui, Ngāruahine, Taranaki Iwi, Te Atiawa, Ngāti Mutunga, Ngāti Maru and Ngāti Tama. POLICY DEVELOPMENT Opportunities were provided to Māori to be involved in the development of policy and in particular input was sought or opportunities

Coastal Plan Schedule 6B Ngaa Rauru Kiitahi

would sustain the hapuu. Tapuarau was a commonly shared fishing village for the people of the Waitootara awa especially for the Ngaati Hinewaiatarua, Ngaati Hoou and Ngaa Wairiki hapuu. Each hapuu would work this or one of the other fishing villages in the area and share the spoils with each other before returning to their home kaainga for winter and returning again the following season. The area was also significant to the Ngaa Rauru iwi in that one of the original tribes of

Long-Term Plan 2018/2028

Crossing, an emerging ‘Great Walk’ set to boost the region’s burgeoning reputation as a visitor destination. The Council is also confident about its plans to build on recent gains in freshwater quality; to develop its education programme; and to broaden and deepen its relationship with iwi and hapū. Financially, the impact of our proposals is relatively minor. There is an increase of 4.5 percent in the general rates take for 2018/2019. In the last three years, the average general rates

Appendix 10G: Ngāruahine

Okahu-Inuawai The tuturu takiwa of the Okahu-Inuawai hapū extends, "from seaward on the eastern mouth of the Waingongoro awa to the Maunga, thence turning following the western side of the Wairere Stream back to seaward, Tawhiti-nui, Hawaiki-nui, Tawhiti-roa, Hawaiki-roa, Tawhiti-pamamao, Hawaiki-pamamao. The hapū claim that their whanaungatanga takiwa begins "from the mouth of the Waihi Stream of Ngati Ruanui Iwi in the east, and extends to the mouth of the Inaha Stream of Ngati

Appendix III: Statutory acknowledgements

acknowledged the statements made by the iwi of the particular cultural, spiritual, historical, and traditional association of the iwi with the statutory areas. 1.1 Purposes of statutory acknowledgements The purposes of statutory acknowledgements are (a) to require consent authorities, the Environment Court and the Historic Places Trust to have regard to the statutory acknowledgements; (b) to require relevant consent authorities to forward summaries of resource consent applications for


our ‘rulebook’, the Freshwater and Land Plan, to tease out issues and potential fixes. There’s been a raft of scientific studies and we’ve also been running a series of hui with iwi and other water users. The Council is still aiming to have a proposed new plan ready for notification in mid-2020. Pukeiti, Tūpare & Hollard Gardens A firm focus on presentation, interpretation and sound horticultural practice at the three heritage properties, Pukeiti, Tūpare and Hollard Gardens,

TRC Annual Report 2017-2018 - full document

to take to foster the development of Māori capacity to contribute to the decision making processes over the period covered by the Plan. There are eight recognised iwi in the region, Ngaa Rauru Kiitahi, Ngāti Ruanui, Ngāruahine, Taranaki Iwi, Te Atiawa, Ngāti Mutunga, Ngāti Maru and Ngāti Tama. POLICY DEVELOPMENT Opportunities were provided to Māori to be involved in the development of policy and in particular input was sought or opportunities provided in