Your search for 'iwi' returned 1016 results.

Taranaki CDEM Newsletter - December 2017

activity from Mt Taranaki remains a central focus. Commitment to working with local Iwi through strengthening relationships to respond better to our community. Commitment to developing and strengthening relationships within the community in order to provide a better response. Outlines the new local delivery structure – putting more responsibility on local councils to provide tailored response. Recognition

FRODO 669559 v31 Application form Discharge contaminants to water or land incl CMA

returning the application. All collection costs incurred in the recovery of a debt will be added to the invoice amount due. Overdue invoices will incur an interest charge of 12% per annum. Details of Council’s charging policy are in its 2015/2025 Long-Term Plan. ( In accordance with statutory requirements a copy of this application may be sent to iwi for their information. page 06/22 - #623858 Page 19

Enviroschools Celebration Bklet email

Over the last few months, NPDC along with environmental action and sustainability focused groups, Friends of Pukakura Park and iwi have been working collaboratively to bring about a hub in the North. The hub gives individuals and organisations a place to work, hold meetings and educational workshops; allowing the public to see demonstrations in practice. Your Enviroschools team is excited to be a part of this. The Hub will be opening soon and more information will come when we are

Resource consents issued 7 July to 19 August 2021

access purposes Rohe: Te Atiawa (Statutory Acknowledgement) Engagement or consultation: Te Kotahitanga o Te Atiawa Trust Comment on application received  Inconsistent with Iwi Environment Management Plan  Application lacks sufficient detail Consents and Regulatory Committee - Resource Consents Issued Under Delegated Authority and Applications in Progress 24 page Non-notified authorisations issued by the Taranaki


Agenda for Ordinary Council meeting May 2017.


at 14 November 2016. Joyce/Williamson 7. Freshwater Monitoring by Iwi 7.1 Ms K Blakemore, Technical Officer, spoke to the memorandum informing the Committee of freshwater monitoring by Ngaa Rauru Kiitahi iwi and hapu of streams and rivers within their rohe that is occurring within Taranaki with the involvement of the Council. Recommended That the Taranaki Regional Council: 1. receives this report Freshwater monitoring by Iwi Policy and Planning Committee

Biennial report 2012-2014

a memorandum to the Court requesting that the Hearing Committee’s decision stands. On 1 August 2007, STDC wrote to iwi and the Council committing to: work on decreasing storm water ingress to the Hawera sewerage system; testing the permeability of the detention storage pond; not exceed the 12,000 m3/day volume of the consent; and undertaking the necessary work under the consent (condition 10) to review in 2009 the best practicable option for treatment and disposal of wastewater,

Paora Laurence submission attachment - Remediation NZ

clearly highlights there was an urgency to activate the process, then quickly recommended by Colin McLellan on the 7/1/19. Under Question 3 of the process “Statutory Acknowledgements “The Iwi impacted on is not acknowledged, Ngaati Mutunga, this is in breach of Treaty Principles of “Partnership“, ”Protection of Taaonga” and being accorded the appropriate rights to the Mana Whenua of this area. No level of contamination is and ever will be acceptable into these waterways. These awa present

Native fish species of significance in the Taranaki region

are important to Iwi and were highly regarded as mahinga kai (McDowall, 2011). Only one species has been confirmed as being present in Taranaki, being Echyridella menziesii. This species is classified as being ‘in decline’, which places them in the ‘at risk’ category (Grainger et al, 2013). Another species (Echyridella aucklandica) has been recorded in a number of locations in the North Island, including Figure 5: Lake Rotorangi page 10