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additional accelerated funding for a bypass of Mount Messenger on State Highway 3 (SH3). The new project needs to be included within the Taranaki RLTPlan in order to be progressed. The Transport Agency has therefore lodged a request to vary the current RLTPlan. 4.3 The Committee noted and encouraged the NZ Transport Agency to engage early with affected communities, including Iwi (Ngāti Tama) and landowners re the new Mount Messenger Bypass roading project to avoid any


� Information Sheet-Wetlands � The Importance of Riparian Management Related Links –Taranaki � Taranaki Regional Xplorer � Taranaki Iwi Contacts � East Taranaki Environmental Trust � Egmont National Park (Department of Conservation) � Fish and Game-Taranaki Region � New Plymouth District Council - Sustainable District � Rotokare Scenic Reserve Trust � Taranaki Kiwi Trust � Taranaki tree Trust page General Information on Biodiversity available on the

TRC Technical Memorandum Water Quantity 11 August 2023

Zealand study to examine the combined ecological effects of minimum flows and allocation limits both on benthic invertebrates and fish populations (Jowett, 2019). For context, Jowett also assessed the impacts of a range of potential combinations of minimum flow and allocation limits on water users, based on the number of days restrictions to takes would occur under various scenarios. The report and its finding were presented to a range of stakeholders, iwi and the regional Wai Māori Working

Remediation hearing - submitters' expert evidence - Ngāti Mutunga (Kathryn Jane McArthur)

objectives and limits in water policy. I have provided evidence in these topic areas before the Environment Court, and in Board of Inquiry and council hearings processes across the country. page 4 5. I have provided ecological, water quality and freshwater policy advice to Nelson City Council, Northland Regional Council, Horizons Regional Council, Ngāti Kahungunu Iwi Incorporated, Ngāti Pāhauwera Development Trust, Te Rōpū Taiao o Ngāti Whakatere, Te Taiwhenua o

Regional Land Transport Plan for Taranaki 2021-2027

unemployment among Māori are higher. Households without access to a motor vehicle is highest in New Plymouth district (7.2% of households) and lowest in Stratford district (6.6% of households). Iwi There are eight recognised iwi whose ‘rohe’ or tribal area falls either wholly or partially within the Taranaki region. The rohe of Ngāti Ruanui, Ngāruahine, Taranaki Tūturu, Te Atiawa and Ngāti Mutunga are located completely within the region. The rohe of Ngāti Tama

Draft Regional Land Transport Plan for Taranaki 2021

unemployment among Māori are higher. Households without access to a motor vehicle is highest in New Plymouth district (7.2% of households) and lowest in Stratford district (6.6% of households). Iwi There are eight recognised iwi whose ‘rohe’ or tribal area falls either wholly or partially within the Taranaki region. The rohe of Ngāti Ruanui, Ngāruahine, Taranaki Tūturu, Te Atiawa and Ngāti Mutunga are located completely within the region. The rohe of Ngāti Tama

Site 81

encouraging. On top of its use with Yr12/13 science classes, we are now offering SHMAK courses to adult groups such as several Taranaki iwi who want to monitor the health of streams within their tribal area. This is another example of ‘citizen science’ in action. What’s more, the adults seem to really enjoy it! Kevin Regional Council Taranaki Waste Minimisation and Recycling Society in general is certainly more aware of the need to reduce, reuse or recycle its waste. This

Resource consents 10 July-20 August 2020

Discretionary Location: 20 Hakirau Street, Moturoa Application Purpose: Replace To discharge cooling water and groundwater seepage from an onsite reservoir into the New Plymouth District Council reticulated stormwater network that discharges to Ngamotu Beach Rohe: Te Atiawa (Statutory Acknowledgement) Engagement or consultation: Te Kotahitanga o Te Atiawa Trust Comment on application received  Inconsistent with Iwi Enviromental Managment Plan  …

Form 201: Erect bridge or culvert

collection costs incurred in the recovery of a debt will be added to the invoice amount due. Overdue invoices will incur an interest charge of 12% per annum. Details of Council’s charging policy are in its 2015/2025 Long-Term Plan. ( In accordance with statutory requirements a copy of this application may be sent to iwi for their information. page 06/22 - #2934444 Page 22 of 23 Official

Greymouth Petroleum Ltd Northern Sites Annual Report 2022-2023

to note and if applicable, action, were: Turangi-B wellsite: Further works had been undertaken to enlarge the soakage pit following feedback from iwi that they would not support a discharge to water in the event that the soakage pit overflowed. Ohanga: The skimmer pit liner was to be replaced during the summer. Kowhai-D: The northern skimmer pit was to be emptied during summer to determine if the liner was leaking. It was noted that the sediment traps on the access track needed