Partnership’s culvert installation consent 10209-1.1 10
Table 6 Evaluation of environmental performance over time 12
List of figures
Figure 1 TPJ Partnership's cleanfill and sampling sites at Rainie Road, Hawera 3
Figure 2 Map of TPJ Partnership retrospective and proposed piping 4
1 Introduction
Compliance monitoring programme reports and the Resource
Management Act 1991
1.1.1 Introduction
This report is for the period July 2022 to June 2023 by
1,500 mapped wetlands covering almost 3,300 hectares.
Taranaki’s rivers and streams provide freshwater habitat for at least 18 of New Zealand’s 27
indigenous fish species. A special feature of Taranaki’s indigenous freshwater fish is that 15 of the
18 known species have a marine or estuarine stage in their lifecycle and migrate to and from the
Several streams and rivers are known to be inanga spawning sites and or are home to threatened
Taranaki has a range of
NPDC New Plymouth wastewater treatment plant resource consent monitoring report 2019-2020
Vanner landfarm
during 2013-2014 monitoring period 15
Table 4 Surface water samples, Mangaroa Stream, Vanner landfarm 2013-2014
monitoring period 15
Table 5 Summary of performance for Consent 7942-1 to discharge drilling wastes
[consisting of drilling cuttings and drilling fluids from drilling operations
with water based muds and synthetic based muds] onto and into land via
landfarming 19
List of figures
Figure 1 TAG Vanner landfarm location map with regional location
periphyton in rivers (modified from NPS-FM 2020) 19
Table 12 Summary of performance for consent 0196-5 23
Table 13 Evaluation of environmental performance over time 24
List of figures
Figure 1 Influent phosphorus and mean concentration over 180 days 9
Figure 2 Effluent nitrate 10
Figure 3 Aerial location map of sampling sites in relation to Stratford WWTP 12
Figure 4 Taxa number, MCI scores and SQMCI scores for biomonitoring sites in the Patea River
(spring) 15
recommendations therein.
5. Regionally significant surf breaks
5.1 Mrs N West, Policy Analyst, spoke to the memorandum presenting for the Committee’s
consideration the findings of the online Wave Survey and the reports relating to the
identification of regionally significant surf breaks.
5.2 In response to a query about the potential impact of increased surfers it was noted that
additional work is underway with iwi to identify sites of cultural significance in
Manawa Energy Patea HEP Annual Report 2022-2023
Todd Generation Taranaki Ltd McKee Power Plant Annual Report 2022-2023
Act 1991 and the Local Government Official Information and Meetings Act 1987.
Iwi considerations
11. This memorandum and the associated recommendations are consistent with the
Council’s policy for the development of Māori capacity to contribute to decision-making
processes (schedule 10 of the Local Government Act 2002) as outlined in the adopted long-
term plan and/or annual plan. Iwi representatives on the Council's Policy and Planning
and Consents and Regulatory committees were
consents held by STDC Patea Beach green waste discharge
Appendix II Categories used to evaluate environmental and administrative performance
List of tables
Table 1 Please see Appendix I regarding this table below 4
Table 2 Example Summary of performance for consent 6088-3 6
Table 3 Evaluation of environmental performance over time 7
List of figures
Figure 1 Regional map showing the location of the Patea green waste site 3
Figure 2 Aerial view