descriptor: Lower Manutahi Road, Manutahi, Taranaki
Map reference: E 1719720
(NZTM) N 5605515
Mean annual rainfall: 1,043 m
Mean annual soil temperature: 15.1ºC
Mean annual soil moisture: 32.9%
Elevation: ~45 m
Geomorphic position: Dune back slope
Erosion / deposition: Erosion
Vegetation: Pasture, dune grasses
Parent material: Aeolian/alluvial deposits
Drainage class: Free/well-draining
1.4 Resource consents
7 Long term TDS g/m3 monitoring GND2302 2012-2021 18
Figure 8 Long term chloride g/m3 monitoring GND2302 2012-2021 18
Figure 9 Long term EC mS/m @25°C monitoring GND2303 2012-2021 20
Figure 10 Long term TDS g/m3 monitoring GND2303 2012-2021 20
Figure 11 Long term chloride g/m3 monitoring GND2303 2012-2021 20
Figure 12 Sample location Lake Taumaha 21
Figure 13 WRS provided map of landfarmed areas 25
List of photos
Photo 1 WRS Symes
............................................................................................................ 78
7. Appendix One: Monitoring methods ...................................................................... 81
7.1. Monitoring site map ......................................................................................................................... 81
7.2. Monitoring site location information ............................................................................................... 82
7.3. Monitoring site photographs
appropriate level of protection for each break.
Under the revised Coastal Plan, all surf
breaks will be protected through the
resource consent process. But the level
of protection will vary.
The list of surf breaks included in the ‘wave survey’ is primarily
made up of the 80 surf breaks that are currently mapped within
the Regional Policy Statement for Taranaki, 2010. Information
on the remainder of the surf breaks was obtained from
Wavetrack New Zealand Surfing Guide , which
A D McLay
Director - Resource Management
Consent 10884-1.0
Page 5 of 5
Map showing cleanfill location
Map showing extent of cleanfill discharge (approximate)
Appendix II
Categories used to evaluate environmental and
administrative performance
Categories used to evaluate environmental and administrative
the Council’s Land Management Officers will visit the farm.
The type of plan prepared is usually determined by
consultation, to make sure it is suitable for the property, and
will be feasible for the owner to implement. The Land
Management Officer will thoroughly view the property, draw
up a draft plan, and review it with the owner so that it can be
fine-tuned to his/her requirements. A final version,
incorporating a map and photographs of the property, will be
planned to work with additional clubs.
Para Kore
Para Kore is a zero waste programme for marae.
The programme is funded by the Ministry for the
Environment and by the district councils in the
region. The Taranaki Regional Council provides
advice and support. Facilitators for the Taranaki area
started working with marae in April 2013, with a plan
to work with at least one marae in each iwi area. Para
Kore facilitators are currently working with 12 marae:
Meremere Marae,
Software Holdings Limited
For the year ended 30 June 2021
2020-21 2019-20
1. Members Contributions
Member Contributions as per SOI 1,196,928 1,139,928
Total Members Contributions 1,196,928 1,139,928
2020-21 2019-20
2. Other Income
Northland Regional Council Data Mapping - 4,620
Recovery of other direct software expenses 61,277 64,160
User Funding - Hawkes Bay Regional Council 154,612 136,618
Shared Licence Funding 59,771 57,750
Total Other Income 275,660 263,148
New Zealand Energy Corporation DWI Annual Report 2021-2022
Wai iti Beach Retreat Annual Report 2021-2022