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Agenda for Policy and Planning Committee, October 2017.

TRC closing legal submissions 11 March 2022

3 Saddle Views Estate Ltd v Dunedin City Council [2014] NZEnvC 243, at [24]. 4 Te Runanga a Iwi O Ngati Kahu v Far North District Council [2010] NZEnvC 372, (2010) 16 ELRNZ 259, at [98] to [100], and [111]; Burgess v Selwyn District Council [2014] NZEnvC 11, at [74]; and Otway Oasis Soc Inc v Waikato Regional Council [2020] NZEnvC 169, at [15]. 5 Queenstown Lakes District Council v Hawthorn Estate Ltd [2006] NZRMA 424 (CA), at [75], [82] and [84]. page Page 5

Dairy effluent pond guidelines update

Sciences 1: 250, 000 Geological Map 7. - Edbrooke, S. W (compiler). 2005. Geology of the Waikato area. Institute of Geological and Nuclear Sciences 1: 250,000 Geological Map 4. - Soil Bureau Bulletin No 5 (General Survey of the Soils of North Island, New Zealand) by the New Zealand Department of Scientific and Industrial Research. • Aerial photographs. • Geotechnical investigation data in the Taranaki region from T&T files. • Meeting with TRC and inspection of existing pond

Groundwater Quality State of the Environment Monitoring 2015-2020

Monitoring site details Appendix II Water quality variables and analytical methods Appendix III New Zealand Soil Classification Map Appendix IV Additional analysis of select variables using Kruskal-Wallis and Dunn’s tests Appendix V Temporal trend plots for GQMP data List of tables Table 1 Routine laboratory testing and sample analysis details 5 Table 2 Key variables used to summarise the current state and trends of groundwater quality in the Taranaki region …

Civil Quarries consent monitoring 2019-2020

Alterations to monitoring programmes for 2020-2021 17 3.6 Exercise of optional review of consent 17 4 Recommendations 18 Glossary of common terms and abbreviations 19 Bibliography and references 21 Appendix I Map of stormwater and washwater treatment system December 2020 Appendix II Resource consents held by Civil Quarries Ltd page ii List of tables Table 1 Resource consents held by the Company during the 2019-2020 monitoring period 4 Table 2 Locations …

Summary of April 2020 Council meeting

Management, spoke to the memorandum updating Members’ of consents granted, consents under application and consent processing actions, since the last meeting. The information was summarised in the attachments. The reports provided more information on consultation undertaken with iwi and the community. Recommended receives the schedule of resource consents granted and other consent processing actions, made under delegated authority. Davey/Littlewood 11. Report on notified …

Taranaki By Products consent monitoring 2018-2019

returned to the Council in September 2013, at the request of the Company. page 9 Table 2 Taranaki By-Products point source monitoring location key Site Description Map reference, NZTM Site code Easting Northing A Aerobic pond effluent 1703086 5623907 IND004004 B Cooling water discharge 1702015 5623991 IND002004 C Stormwater, firewater, coolant and groundwater seepage from reservoir 1701968 5624052 IND001014 D Stormwater, firewater, coolant and

Transforming Taranaki

Council’s land management officers walking over the farm to obtain a first-hand idea of what needs to be done, and then producing a property-specific plan outlining fencing and planting recommendations, what it will cost, and how it can be incorporated into the farm’s operations and budget. These A3-sized plans feature on one side an aerial map of the property containing Geographic Information System (GIS) layers highlighting fencing and planting recommendations, with the reverse side

Report on land disposal options

...................................................................................... 12 6.1 General ................................................................................................. 12 6.2 Estimates .............................................................................................. 12 APPENDICES Appendix 1 Estimates Appendix 2 Adjacent Land Map page EXECUTIVE SUMMARY In response to the application for the renewal of resource consent #0196-4, Taranaki Regional Council have requested