Investigations, interventions, and incidents 35
5.2 Discussion of site performances 37
5.3 Environmental effects of exercise of consents 38
5.4 Evaluation of performance 38
5.5 Recommendations from the 2011-2013 Biennial Report 38
5.6 Alterations to monitoring programmes for 2014-2015 38
6. Recommendations 40
Glossary of common terms and abbreviations 41
Bibliography and references 44
Appendix I Resource consents held by Origin Energy Resources NZ Ltd & AR Geary 47
Appendix II Maps
A Study into the Use of Prosecutions under the Resource Management Act (Ministry for the Environment, 2013).
OMV NZ Ltd Pohukura Production Station Annual Report 2021-2022
some great resources available online. Not all of these resources were developed for
school students, but can be easily adapted for primary and high school use with a bit
of careful guidance.
The New Zealand Bird Atlas is one of the
largest citizen science projects ever attempted
in New Zealand. The aim of this survey is to
map the distribution of all of New Zealand’s
bird species over the next five years. The data
will be
giving access to the coast, are often unmarked and their existence not well known.
Unformed roads or ‘paper roads’ (land set aside and owned by the relevant district council for roading
purposes but not maintained by the council) have the potential to provide public access to the coast.
However, paper roads are usually only identified on survey maps and their existence is often not well
known. The actual pathway can be difficult to identify.
In some cases, even if public access is
Resource Management
Consent 10884-1.0
Page 5 of 5
Map showing cleanfill location
Map showing extent of cleanfill discharge (approximate)
monitoring in relation to the Trust’s site 7
Table 4 Incidents, investigations, and interventions summary table 8
Table 5 Example Summary of performance for consent 1281-4 9
Table 6 Evaluation of environmental performance over time 10
List of figures
Figure 1 Aerial location map of Hickman JD 1997 Family Trust 3
Figure 2 Location of the Hickman JD Family Trust site and associated sampling sites 7
1 Introduction
1.1 Compliance monitoring
site development at Taranaki Sawmills, c. 2018 57
Figure 13 Aerial view of new sediment treatment pond at Taranaki Sawmills 57
Figure 14 Taranaki Sawmills sampling sites including receiving waters in the Waitaha Stream 60
Figure 15 Aerial view of Woodwards site and fire pit location 65
Figure 16 Aerial map showing site and sample locations in the Waitaha Catchment (TBS Coatings now
SRG Global) 72
List of photos
Photo 1 View of AICA (NZ) site 10
Photo 2 C & O Concrete
Condition 8 requires the consent holder to survey and map the position of the
Condition 9 requires the consent holder undertake pre and post-lay surveys of the
pipeline corridor.
Condition 10 states that the structure shall be removed and the area reinstated, if and
when it is no longer required.
Conditions 11 and 12 deal with lapse and review of consent.
Origin Energy holds consent 6533-1 to occupy the coastal marine area for a distance of
250 metres
Map reference: E 1719720
(NZTM) N 5605515
Mean annual rainfall: 1,043 m
Mean annual soil temperature: 15.1ºC
Mean annual soil moisture: 32.9%
Elevation: ~45 m
Geomorphic position: Dune back slope
Erosion / deposition: Erosion
Vegetation: Pasture, dune grasses
Parent material: Aeolian/alluvial deposits
Drainage class: Free/well-draining
1.4 Resource consents
The Company holds one resource consent, the details of which are summarised …