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Coastal and marine biodiversity

that have been recorded in New Zealand coastal and marine waters. The website provides information on ways to minimise the risk of marine pests and includes a project map comparing different ports across New Zealand. The Council works with DOC and Port Taranaki Limited to remove Undaria from structures around the breakwater. annotation annotation Coastal habitats on

Introduction and guide to regional rules

Rules 1-14. (A map of the catchment is contained in Appendix IV). Step Three: If the activity is to occur outside the Hangatahua (Stony) River catchment, break the activity down into parts. Does the activity involve: (a) taking, use, damming or diversion of surface water (refer to rules 15 to 20); (b) discharge of contaminants to land or water (refer to rules 21 to 45); (c) bore or well construction (refer to rules 46 and 47); (d) taking and use of groundwater (refer to

Annual report 2014-2015

List of figures Figure 1 Sampling sites in the Kurapete Stream in relation to Inglewood oxidation ponds 15 Figure 2 Aerial location map 15 Figure 3 Riparian plans prepared in the Kurapete Stream catchment to June 2015 20 page 1 1. Introduction 1.1 Compliance monitoring programme reports and the Resource Management Act 1991 1.1.1 Introduction This report is the Annual Report for the period July 2014 to June 2015 by the Taranaki Regional

Greymouth Petroleum Mining Group Ltd Turangi A Well Hydraulic Fracturing Report 2018-2021

fracturing fluid sampling 12 Table 7 Results of hydraulic fracturing return fluid sampling 13 Table 8 Summary of performance for consent 10000-1 17 List of figures Figure 1 Location map 5 Figure 2 Location of biomonitoring sites in relation to the Turangi-A wellsite 15 page 1 1 Introduction 1.1 Compliance monitoring programme reports and the Resource Management Act 1991 1.1.1 Introduction This report outlines and discusses the results of

Fonterra Whareroa Monitoring Programme Annual Report 2021-2022

time-proportioned composite samples 22 Figure 8 Map of sampling sites in relation to the outfall 25 Figure 9 Mean number of species per quadrat for summer surveys (1986-2022) 26 Figure 10 Mean Shannon-Weiner Indices per quadrat for summer surveys (1986-2022) 26 Figure 11 Location of air deposition sites 28 Figure 12 Milk powder fallout at air deposition sites surrounding Whareroa (September to December 2021) 29 Figure 13 PM10 concentrations (µg/m³) at the Whareroa dairy complex 30

SOE2022 Biodiversity Biosecurity

biodiversity while providing for the social, cultural and economic wellbeing of communities. Councils will need to identify and map areas where there is significant vegetation and habitats of indigenous fauna, and manage the protection of these Significant Natural Areas (SNAs) through plans and consent processes under the RMA. The proposed NPS-IB places importance on people and partnerships, and on the protection, restoration and enhancement of indigenous

Stratford wastewater treatment monitoring 2019-2020

for consent 0196-5 (current from 1 May 2020) 18 Table 11 Evaluation of environmental performance over time 19 List of figures Figure 1 Aerial location map of sampling sites in relation to Stratford WWTP 11 Figure 2 Biomonitoring sites in the Patea River in relation to the Stratford landfill and wastewater discharge 14 List of photos Photo 1 Stratford WWTP 4 Photo 2 View of Stratford WWTP primary pond with aerators operating 10 page 1 1 …

Remediation hearing - Council Officers' Final Recommendation

material to be discharged; (ii) a map or aerial image identifying the specific area where the discharge is to occur; (iii) a calculation of the Nitrogen loading of the discharge proposal; (iv) test results from a representative sample of the waste to be discharged showing that it meets the standards shown in the table below; (v) details of the sampling procedure showing that the test sample is representative of the wastes; and (b) the Chief Executive, Taranaki Regional Council, having