(RTP001001) 27
Table 11 Unnamed tributary of the Waihapa Stream downstream of the Pukengahu closed landfill
(WHP000187) 27
Table 12 Summary of performance for Consent 3890-2 (Pukengahu closed landfill) 28
Table 13 Evaluation of environmental performance over time 29
List of figures
Figure 1 Regional map showing SDC landfill sites 5
Figure 2 Stratford landfill (shaded in yellow) and sampling locations 7
Figure 3 Graph showing chloride levels in the groundwater at the
of sampling sites 12
Table 5 Summary of results for 2016-2017, and comparison with post-diversion results 14
Table 6 Summary of performance for consent 0196-4 16
Table 7 Evaluation of environmental performance over time 16
List of figures
Figure 1 Aerial location map of sampling sites in relation to Inglewood WWTP 12
List of photos
Photo 1 Inglewood WWTP 4
Photo 2 The Inglewood WWTP main pond 8
1. Introduction
1.1. Compliance
(taken from
the nearby ‘Duffy’ monitoring station). As with the other South Taranaki coastal sites, this site is subject to
strong winds.
Figure 1 Aerial image of the Symes Manawapou Landfarm with regional location
Site data
Word descriptor: Manawapou Road, Manutahi, Taranaki
Map reference: E 1717244
(NZTM) N 5608736
Mean annual rainfall: 1,023 mm
Mean annual soil temperature: ~15.1°C
Mean annual
to provide a technology report on two
occasions, while Condition 20 requires an annual report. Condition 21 states that the
consent holder must maintain a contingency plan for the site.
Conditions 22 and 23 require the consent holder to meet with Council, iwi and
interested parties regarding the operation and monitoring of the consent.
Condition 24 is a review provision.
NPDC holds discharge permit 2982-4 to cover the discharge of up to 60 m3/day of
leachate from a sludge
stabilise the riverbank in this area.
Figure 2: Catchment Map
3. Future channel management
3.1. Scheme works area
Figure 7 shows the extents of the Schemes Rivers which are included in the works area. Close
examination of 2002 and 2016 aerial photographs however show that most of the clearing works on the
Waitotara River occurred in the river between the Lime Works Bridge and the Moumahaki confluence
and in the Moumahaki
Silver Fern Farms Waitotara Annual Report 2022-2023
be discharged;
(i) a map or aerial image identifying the specific area where the discharge is to
(ii) a calculation of the Nitrogen loading of the discharge proposal;
(iii) test results from a representative sample of the waste to be discharged
showing that it meets the standards shown in the table below;
(iv) details of the sampling procedure showing that the test sample is
representative of the wastes; and
(b) the Chief Executive, Taranaki Regional Council, having
McKee power plant consent monitoring report 2018-2019
Taranaki Trucking Company
Ltd's cleanfill, Cardiff Road, Stratford, 21 February 2019 80
Table 35 Summary of performance for Taranaki Trucking Company Ltd's cleanfill consent 5561-1 81
List of figures
Figure 1 Regional map showing the locations of the cleanfills monitored under this programme during
the year under review 5
Figure 2 AA Contracting Ltd cleanfill and sampling sites at Henwood Road, New Plymouth 11
Figure 3 A & A George Family Trust permitted cleanfill area at