percentage of capital value slowly increased across the New Plymouth District in the
six years between 2013 and 2019. The higher ratio indicates that over time, land is becoming more
valuable in relation to the buildings that occupy it. Increases in land value is mainly related to the
proximity of properties to specific amenities such as the beach, sea views or the city centre, as shown
in the map below.
Version: 1, Version Date: 28/04/2020
Document Set ID: 8277857
New …
Condition 1 – new
1. The discharge authorised by this consent shall only occur on the land shown in the
map labelled Figure 1 attached.
Conditions 2 to 12 [previously conditions 1 to 11] – unchanged
Management plan
2. Prior to the exercise of the consent, the consent holder shall provide, and
subsequently shall maintain, a spray irrigation management plan, to the approval
of the Chief Executive, Taranaki Regional Council, outlining the management of
the system, which shall
Regional Air Quality Plan for Taranaki Appendix 10E: Ngāti Mutunga
SEM Lake Rotorangi Annual Report 2020-2021
Waiwhakaiho airshed, and
outlines the nature of the monitoring programme in place for the period under review.
Each company’s activity is then discussed in a separate section (Sections 2 to 7).
In each subsection (e.g. Section 2.1) there is a general description of the industrial
activity and its discharges, an aerial photograph or map showing the location of the
activity, and an outline of the matters covered by the company’s air discharge permit.
Subsection 2 presents the results of
time-proportioned composite
samples 26
Figure 9 Map of sampling sites in relation to the outfall 30
Figure 10 Mean number of species per quadrat for spring surveys (1992-2020) 31
Figure 11 Mean Shannon-Weiner indices per quadrat for spring surveys (1992-2020) 31
Figure 12 Mean number of species per quadrat for summer surveys (1986-2021) 32
Figure 13 Mean Shannon-Weiner Indices per quadrat for summer surveys (1986-2021) 32
Figure 14 Location of air deposition sites 35
Figure 15 Milk
Table 6 Low flow receiving water results March 2018 15
Table 7 Results for April 2018 survey and comparison with data from February 1985 and October
2017 16
Table 8 Summary of performance for consent 0196-4 19
Table 9 Evaluation of environmental performance over time 20
List of figures
Figure 1 Aerial location map of sampling sites in relation to Stratford WWTP 13
List of photos
Photo 1 Stratford WWTP 4
Photo 2 Esk Road wastes facility 8
Photo 3 View of
abstractions – distributed by activity 2015-2016 6
Figure 4 Pasture irrigation zones and locations of consented irrigation in Taranaki 7
Figure 5 Distribution map of the total rainfall recorded from 1 October 2015 to 31
March 2016 12
List of photos
Photo 1 Mosaic of pictures depicting k-line and long-lateral type irrigation 8
Photo 2 Mosaic of pictures depicting centre pivots 8
Photo 3 Picture depicting travelling irrigator system 8
Photo 4 Good installation of a flowmeter 16
map showing
the location of
the soil samples;
• The nitrogen
outlining all
input and
quantities and
• A record of any
received about
the discharge;
• The results of
any self-
assessment; and
• Any remedial
measures taken
by ANZCO in
relation to any
received or any
potential non-
e report
will be
to TRC by
the 30th
each year.