Biennial report 2012-2014
ANZCO Eltham (Riverlands Eltham) consent monitoring report - Taranaki Regional Council
ANZCO Eltham (Riverlands Eltham) consent monitoring report - Taranaki Regional Council
Trustpower Ltd Patea HEP Scheme Monitoring Programme Annual Report 2020-2021
Opunake Power Ltd consent monitoring report 2017-2018
composition at representative reef sites around the region which can be used to assess the ‘health’ of the reef environment. Around the Taranaki coastline, particular reefs are regarded as property of particular hapu. Iwi and hapu associations with the six SEM reef sites are outlined in Table 1. page 3 2. Monitoring methodology 2.1 Site location The location of the six SEM rocky shore sites are shown in Table 1 and Figure 1. Table 1 Location of SEM rocky shore
Key Native Ecosystems Alfred Road - Kuwhatahi (p8-79)
14.1 for the staff positions and functions. This team is supported by other in- house professionals where there is capability and capacity as detailed in the following table. Professional service Policy and planning Development and analysis of programmes and plans i.e. RPTP, RLTP Information management Website (development and maintenance) Publicity (press releases and advertising copy) Graphics and artwork (timetables, posters, maps and notices) Marketing (managing
ability to map out a large area for effluent irrigation is limited Central Taranaki Summary Farming type • Predominantly dairy farming with a steady rise in lifestyle farming blocks. • Stocking rates average 1100 kg LWT/ ha to 1500 kg LWT /ha • Farm systems predominantly fall into System 2 and 3. • Supplements are used to a) boost production (PKE is major supplement) and b) allow resilience against summer dry and extreme wet periods (PKE, maize silage, bought-in silage
Todd deep well injection monitoring report 2018-2019
groundwater sampling carried out in relation to the Mangahewa-C fracturing event compared to baseline 15 Table 6 Results of hydraulic fracturing fluid sampling 21 Table 7 Results of hydraulic fracturing return fluid sampling 22 Table 9 Summary of performance for Consent 7971-2 26 List of figures Figure 1 Location map 5 Figure 2 Groundwater monitoring sites at Mangahewa-C 8 Figure 3 Location of biomonitoring sites in relation to the Mangahewa-C wellsite 11
List of figures Figure 1 2009 Map of Taranaki ring plain showing the prevailing differences between observed and predicted MCI values. In the key ‘0’ means that observed and predicted stream health classes were the same and ‘+2’ means that the observed quality class was two classes higher than predicted (e.g. Excellent vs good). 17 Figure 2 Generic stream health (based on median MCI over 1995-2013) and all trends in biological quality (regardless of statistical significance) for