Your search for 'rain fall' returned 1929 results.

TRC Climate Summary October 2024

rain gauge sites in Taranaki. October Year to Date Rain gauge # days with rain Total rain (mm) % of typical month Total to date (mm) % of typical year to date % of typical full year Records Began North Egmont at Visitors Centre 19 625.5 85.4 4948.9 84.7 71.6 1995 Dawson Falls 17 569.5 100.4 4825.0 88.1 75.4 1999 Kapoaiaia at Kahui Hut 21 490.5 102.4 3868.5 87.0 73.6 2006 Mangorei Upper at Forest Hill 18 250.5 80.6 2469.0 80.8 65.8

Environmental Data Report September 2024

Rainfall September and year-to-date totals for rain gauge sites in Taranaki. September Year to Date Rain gauge # days with rain Total rain (mm) % of typical month Total to date (mm) % of typical year to date % of typical full year Records Began North Egmont at Visitors Centre 23 492.7 73.5 4323.4 84.6 62.5 1995 Dawson Falls 24 483.5 76.1 4255.5 86.7 66.5 1999 Kapoaiaia at Kahui Hut 25 452.0 89.8 3378.0 85.2 64.2 2006 Mangorei Upper at

July 2024 Environmental Data Report

year-to-date totals for rain gauge sites in Taranaki. July Year to Date Rain gauge # days with rain Total rain (mm) % of typical month Total to date (mm) % of typical year to date % of typical full year Records Began North Egmont at Visitors Centre 17 592.5 84.8 2774.5 73.6 39.9 1991 Dawson Falls 19 672.5 109.2 2821.0 83.3 47.4 1933 Kapoaiaia at Kahui Hut 20 356.0 61.7 2279.0 77.8 43.4 2006 Mangorei Upper at Forest Hill 17 257.0 63.3 1493.5

Environmental Data Report August 2024

August and year-to-date totals for rain gauge sites in Taranaki. August Year to Date Rain gauge # days with rain Total rain (mm) % of typical month Total to date (mm) % of typical year to date % of typical full year Records Began North Egmont at Visitors Centre 19 1064.2 156.0 3830.7 86.3 56.5 1994 Dawson Falls 18 967.5 145.5 3772.0 89.1 58.8 1998 Kapoaiaia at Kahui Hut 24 650.5 123.4 2926.0 84.5 58.4 2005 Mangorei Upper at Forest Hill 18

Watching brief on South Taranaki as dry conditions continue

Dry conditions in South Taranaki caused by the current La Nina weather pattern could mean further restrictions on how much water can be taken from rivers, Taranaki Regional Council has warned. The environmental watchdog is keeping a close eye on rainfall levels, soil moisture, river flows and climate across the region, with most of the Council’s monitoring sites recording less rain than usual over the last three months. Council data for the lowest rainfall sites shows Pātea recorded 61% of

Can I Swim Here ends for summer

river beds. As of last week, five of the seven monitored river sites and one lake were unsuitable for swimming (for humans or dogs) due to cyanobacteria (toxic algae). We will continue to monitor these sites until they return to normal, posting the results on LAWA each week. We’ll do a full analysis of the summer’s results, but most of the samples that exceeded guideline levels were taken after heavy or prolonged rain. We know heavy rain washes contaminants off the land into rivers and out to sea.

December 2024 climate summary

December continued 2024’s trend for lower rainfall with an average of 108.3mm - 34% less than usual. On average across Taranaki there was 14% less rainfall than normal across all rain gauges with year-to-date rainfall lowest at Waitōtara at Hawken Rd with 28% less than usual. In December, there was 63% less rain at Kaupokonui at Glenn Rd and 11% less at Motunui M39 at Weston W3. Mean river flows for December were 31.8% lower than typical values, low flows were 21.9% greater, and high flows

June 2024 Environmental Data Report

year-to-date totals for rain gauge sites in Taranaki. June Year to Date Rain gauge # days with rain Total rain (mm) % of typical month Total to date (mm) % of typical year to date % of typical full year Records Began North Egmont at Visitors Centre 15 466.5 68.7 2182.0 71.0 31.4 1991 Dawson Falls 14 513.0 82.2 2148.5 77.5 36.1 1933 Kapoaiaia at Kahui Hut 16 344.0 63.0 1923.0 81.8 36.6 2006 Mangorei Upper at Forest Hill 14 188.5 55.5 1236.5

What’s trending at Tūpare: Summer 2025

Summer arrives fast in Taranaki. Spring’s mix of rain and sunshine keeps the garden fresh and lush until Christmas, but then suddenly the gods flick the switch and a big halogen bulb shines down bringing warm seas and blue skies. Green lawns turn into light browns and trees show signs of water stress, meaning it’s time to haul out the irrigation hoses and check for those inevitable leaks. Luckily, Tūpare’s trees provide plenty of shade, protecting much of the garden from the harshest sun. But

Environmental Data Report May 2024

year-to-date totals for rain gauge sites in Taranaki. May Year to Date Rain gauge # days with rain Total rain (mm) % of typical month Total to date (mm) % of typical year to date % of typical full year Records Began North Egmont at Visitors Centre 21 356.5 52.5 1715.5 71.7 24.7 1991 Dawson Falls 21 422.5 67.2 1635.5 76.2 27.5 1933 Kapoaiaia at Kahui Hut 24 401.0 76.4 1579.0 87.3 30.0 2006 Mangorei Upper at Forest Hill 19 194.0 45.1 1048.0