Your search for 'rain fall' returned 1933 results.

Trees for the environment study unit

environment Taranaki Regional Council Tree Unit 19 Study 6 Erosion Erosion is the wearing away and loss of land by the action of water or wind. In Taranaki we have some erosion problems. • Erosion sometimes occurs in Taranaki when trees and other plants have been cleared off steep hill country. This causes slips when waterlogged soil falls off the solid base. Solution: plant trees to hold the soil together, and soften the rain falling on the land. The roots

Patea Beach Green Waste Discharge Annual Report 2021/22

unacceptable wastes being exposed by coastal erosion. This resulted in the site being closed to the public in 2017. Any further dune stabilisation will be done using green waste disposed of at the Patea transfer station. Patea Beach is an elevated site which for most of the time is dry. Rain that does fall on the site drains away at a very rapid rate. The site does not suffer from flooding from rain or tidal action, due to its elevation.

Cheal Petroleum Ltd Cheal Production Station Annual Report 2022-2023

until the site had stabilised. Cheal Production Station and Cheal-A wellsite: Heavy persistent rain and strong winds proceeded the inspection, with rain still falling during the visit. The sites were tidy and processes appeared to be well managed as no spills or stains were evident on the ground. Operationally good practices were being adhered to, with drip trays and chemical bunding in use. The skimmer pits were free of hydrocarbon sheens and no effects were noted below the discharge

Remediation New Zealand Ltd Waitara Road Facility Annual Report 2021-2022

to repair the shed. The front of the site was very clean. A leaf blower had been purchased to clean the hard stand area and it was noted that this was free from debris during the inspection. Broken pipe work had been repaired. No discharge was occurring from the treatment system. All windrows were covered and no odour was detected on site or beyond the boundary of the property at the time of the inspection. 17 August 2021 Very heavy rain had occurred prior to the inspection and the

Annual report 2012-2013

g/m3 at site HHG000100 and site HHG000150. The consent also states that the irrigation of pond fluids shall not cause an adverse rise in chloride in the Haehanga Stream. 16 August 2012 The sampling run done on 16 August 2012 was done under high flow conditions with 21 mm rain falling over the previous 48 hours. As a result, a reduced run was undertaken. CBODF levels in the discharge were quite low and this is reflected in the water quality down stream of the discharge. On

May 2021 hydrology report

page Doc. No: 2788783 TARANAKI REGIONAL COUNCIL MONTHLY RAINFALL AND RIVER REPORT FOR May 2021 Provisional Data Only Note: some sites record a number of parameters Table 1: Rainfall at 27 sites throughout the region Station Sub-region Monthly Year to Date Records Began Number of rain days (>0.5mm) Total Monthly Rainfall (mm) % of Monthly Normal (%) Total to date (mm) % of Normal for year to date % of average full calendar year Nth Egmont