Your search for 'rain fall' returned 1931 results.

Karen and Rod Brown

Taylor report has also avoided commenting on how controls should be enhanced and where existing controls might become less effective under the new operation. In terms of equipment that AFT have to mitigate effects of odour and dust, these are all based on having birds contained within a negative pressure maintained enclosed space. 22. Likewise the TRC in its assessment of the Application appears to make a similar error of omission to conclude that the consent application falls

Poppas Peppers

conclude that the consent application falls under Rule 52 of the RAQP. Rule 52 covers “Existing poultry farming processes” whereas AFT (and Tonkin and Taylor) clearly indicate that the Application covers a conversion of an existing operation to free range (our emphasis added). According to the RAQP this would make the Application subject to Rule 54. 23. While making this Application subject to Rule 54 (discretionary activity) seems to remove any rule based obligation to notify the

Housing & Business Development Capacity Assessment 2019

have not been accurate. The graph below shows the projections released in 2002, versus the estimated population through to 2011 (labelled ‘revised estimate’). Statistics NZ’s medium projection was for the population to fall by 1,360 by 2011, when in fact it grew by 6,960. 6 The projections from 2048 onwards have been privately provided to NPDC by Statistics NZ under assumptions agreed to by NPDC.

Proposed Coastal Plan for Taranaki Updated Interim version incorporaing Environment Court Decisions

sedimentary rock is softer than the laharic material of the ring plain coast. There are a number of small estuaries at the mouths of Taranaki’s larger rivers. These estuaries are well flushed, with little diversity in the way of intertidal and subtidal habitats. Sedimentation has a major influence on the region’s estuaries, the factors behind which include rain fall and modified land use. The large number of rivers and the erosion of Mount Taranaki generally bring a lot of sediment to

Ballance Kapuni consent monitoring 2017-2018

by a resource consent or a rule in a regional plan, or it falls within some particular categories set out in Section 14. The Company holds three permits to abstract water. Waingongoro River The Company holds water permit 0596-3 to take water from the Waingongoro River for operation of an AUP. This consent was issued by the Council on 31 August 2012 under Section 87 (d) of the RMA. It is due to expire on 1 June 2035. page 7 There were several

Annual report 2016-2017

The resource consents are subject to conditions on abstraction and discharge rates, effluent compositions and receiving water effects, and implementation of management plans. There is provision of six-yearly reviews of resource consent conditions from 1 June 2023. Water abstraction permit Section 14 of the RMA stipulates that no person may take, use, dam or divert any water, unless the activity is expressly allowed for by a resource consent or a rule in a regional plan, or it falls within

Application Appendix E Sediment Assessment 20 02053 4 0 + 5 other renewals Trustpower 25 Nov 2020

detail in Section A1. In addition, flood events in the Waiwhakaiho River display a ‘flashy’ nature, with flows rising and falling rapidly, discussed further in Section 3.2. The Waiwhakaiho River is an incised wandering, mixed bed river characterised by bed and bank material comprised of large boulders, cobbles, coarse gravels and fine sediment. The true left bank near the intake structure is bedrock (conglomerate), and on the true right, there are erodible banks of cobbles held in a loose

Site 62

refrigerators. Peanuts are one of the ingredients in dynamite. “Screeched’ is the longest, one syllable word in the English language. The average person takes seven minutes to fall asleep. A pig cannot stare up at the sky. Famous artist Leonardo da Vinci spent 12 years painting Mona Lisa’s lips. Bats are the only mammals that can fly. The tongue is our strongest and most flexible muscle. Some people believe incorrectly that Coco-Cola was originally green in

Site 64

Dawson visit Eltham Primary Kawaroa juniors at Falls Apology