Your search for 'rain fall' returned 1932 results.

Introduction and guide to regional rules

104 matters. The Taranaki Regional Council may consider any matter allowed under section 104, including all effects on the environment. If the resource consent is granted, the Taranaki Regional Council may set any conditions on the permit that fall within the Taranaki Regional Council's powers under section 108 of the Act. A non-complying activity is an activity (not being a prohibited activity) which is either defined in the rule as a non-complying activity, or, contravenes a rule

Exec, Audit and Risk agenda September 2021

5.5K 1,350 5 An 88-year rainfall record tumbled at Dawson Falls on Taranaki Maunga during July, with the highest 24-hour rainfall total since 1933. Details and more maps here:…/monthly-rainf…/july-2021- rainfall/... (more) [Taranaki Regional Council] 5.5K 426 Executive, Audit & Risk Committee - Financial and Operational Report 12 page Top Facebook posts Reach Engaged 6 Give yourselves a pat on the back New Plymouth! Your trapping

Assessment of the effects of hydraulic fracturing on seismicity in the Taranaki region

sleepers are awakened and a few people alarmed. Small objects are shifted or overturned, and pictures knock against the wall. Some glassware and crockery may break, and loosely secured doors may swing open and shut. • MM 6: Slightly damaging Felt by all. People and animals are alarmed, and many run outside. Walking steadily is difficult. Furniture and appliances may move on smooth surfaces, and objects fall from walls and shelves. Glassware and crockery break. Slight non-structural damage

Transforming Taranaki

Transforming Taranaki - The Taranaki Riparian Management Programme.

Westown Haulage Cowling Road Annual Report 2021-2022

Resource consents held by Westown Haulage/Westown Agriculture (For a copy of the signed resource consent please contact the TRC Consents department) page Water abstraction permits Section 14 of the RMA stipulates that no person may take, use, dam or divert any water, unless the activity is expressly allowed for by a resource consent or a rule in a regional plan, or it falls within some particular categories set out in Section 14. Permits authorising the

Motukawa hydro scheme monitoring 2019-2020

(constructed in 2002). The remaining residual flow passes through an old (and mostly ineffective) fish pass on the true left bank of the weir. Much of the scheme is monitored and operated remotely by the Company. Through an automated water level sensor system, the Company can monitor the residual flows in the Manganui River and Mangaotea Stream, water levels in the race and lake and how much rain is falling locally. This has allowed the Company to manage race flows to minimise flooding, and has …

TRC Technical Memorandum Water Quantity 11 August 2023

7-day period across all the recorded years. MALF is generally the minimum flow needed to maintain a catchment’s natural character and ecosystem health however, as this measurement is an ‘average’, flows do naturally fall below MALF during prolonged periods of dry weather or drought. Estimations of MALF are made using long term flow records but, if no records are available, it can also be estimated using records from hydrologically similar streams. When developing estimates of MALF, flow

Managing diffuse-source discharges to land and water in Taranaki

relevant provisions when considering consent applications. Policy 1 of the NZCPS identifies the extent and characteristics of the coastal environment. Of note the coastal environment extends beyond the coastal marine area (that part of the environment regulated via that Coastal Plan) and may include parts of rivers and streams with significant coastal processes, influences or qualities. Such areas also fall under the scope of the Freshwater Plan. Of particular significance to the review