Annual report 2016-2017
Port Industrial Catchments consent monitoring Annual report 2016-2017
Port Industrial Catchments consent monitoring Annual report 2016-2017
of at the site since the last inspection. The material consisted of clay, dirt and a few stumps. There had been heavy rain over night prior to the inspection and it was noted that there were no ponding, odour or dust issues found at the time of inspection. The consent holder was informed that water samples were collected at this inspection. Results of receiving environment monitoring 2.2.2 Routine water quality sampling was undertaken on one occasion and the results are presented
Consents department) page Water abstraction permits Section 14 of the RMA stipulates that no person may take, use, dam or divert any water, unless the activity is expressly allowed for by a resource consent or a rule in a regional plan, or it falls within some particular categories set out in Section 14. Permits authorising the abstraction of water are issued by the Council under Section 87(d) of the RMA. Water discharge permits Section 15(1)(a) of the RMA
Taylor report has also avoided commenting on how controls should be enhanced and where existing controls might become less effective under the new operation. In terms of equipment that AFT have to mitigate effects of odour and dust, these are all based on having birds contained within a negative pressure maintained enclosed space. 25. Likewise the TRC in its assessment of the Application appears to make a similar error of omission to conclude that the consent application falls
Stratford district (6.6% of households). Households without access to a motor vehicle are generally slightly higher among iwi. Iwi There are eight recognised iwi whose ‘rohe’ or tribal area falls either wholly or partially within the Taranaki region. The rohe of Ngati Ruanui, Nga Ruahine, Taranaki, Te Atiawa and Ngati Mutunga are located completely within the region. The rohe of Ngati Tama overlaps the Waikato region to the north, and those of Ngati Maru and Nga Rauru overlap the
introduced to the litter resulting in greater chance of odours; and (iii) It has less wear on the building as the air is balanced and seals are not put under pressure continuously; (i) Water consumption is alarmed, so that any irregularities in water usage is automatically flagged up to on duty staff; (j) Use of nipple drinkers to avoid water falling on litter. Constant monitoring of water usage to avoid leakage or overflow, and audits 4-5 times daily to detect
Application AEE x14 Consents Manawa Energy 14 February 2023
General Policy that applies to all activities, including oil and gas industries, within the coastal environment and regardless of which coastal management area the activity may fall within. Officers further note that the potential risks associated with oil and gas exploration and production activities are well understood. In the main oil and gas exploration and production activities in the coastal marine area are largely a Discretionary Activity or a Non-complying Activity.
General Policy that applies to all activities, including oil and gas industries, within the coastal environment and regardless of which coastal management area the activity may fall within. Officers further note that the potential risks associated with oil and gas exploration and production activities are well understood. In the main oil and gas exploration and production activities in the coastal marine area are largely a Discretionary Activity or a Non-complying Activity.