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Annual report 2016-2017

to the Outfall. There were four separate exceedance events in relation to this limit in the 2016-2017 monitoring year. The first exceedance occurred in August 2016, was associated with heavy winter rain and lasted 7 days. The remaining three periods of exceedance occurred April (7 days), May (3 days) and May/June (23 days) after continued heavy rainfall over the summer and autumn 2017. The total number of days where the seven day average was above the consent limit was 40. page 16

Biennial report 2012-2014

area and all contingency measures were in place to prevent any discharge from the site. A clean up of the remaining residual oil was underway. No discharges to the environment occurred. The Company was advised to take any action necessary to prevent reoccurrence of such a spill. 23 September 2013 The site was unmanned and the gates were locked. A perimeter inspection was undertaken following torrential rain and high winds in the weekend. No effects from the stormwater discharge were noted

Biennial report 2012-2014

STDC Hawera oxidation ponds consent monitoring report - Taranaki Regional Council.

Case Law - Craddock Farms v Auckland Council v2

industry's present practices insofar as housing hens are concerned. The Code will come into fall force in December 2022 and will require the phasing out of conventional cage egg production. This Code was developed by the National Animal Welfare Advisory Committee established under the Animal Welfare Act 1999. At present, Mr Craddock advises, some three million layer hens, accounting for 87% of New Zealand's egg production, will require re-housing to meet the new code requirements. Naturally,