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Fonterra Whareroa consent monitoring 2017-2018

are working correctly. Further plant upgrades were undertaken in the 2017-2018 season, as discussed in Section 2.1. page 5 Photo 1 The Fonterra Whareroa site 1.3 Resource consents 1.3.1 Water abstraction permits Section 14 of the RMA stipulates that no person may take, use, dam or divert any water, unless the activity is expressly allowed for by a resource consent or a rule in a regional plan, or it falls within some particular categories set out in Section

Efficiency and Effectiveness of the Regional Coastal Plan for Taranaki (2002)

contravene or fall outside the scope of rules in the Plan. The Council has the discretion to grant or decline the consent application. (e) Restricted coastal activities: activities that, through a rule in the Plan, are only allowed with a resource consent and for which the Minister of Conservation is the consent authority. The Minister has the discretion to grant or decline the consent application and, depending upon the rule, impose conditions on the consent. page 5 (f)

Annual report 2016-2017

under, or over any foreshore or seabed, unless the activity is expressly allowed for by a resource consent or a rule in a regional plan, or it falls within some particular categories set out in Section 12. Table 1 provides a summary of coastal permits held by STDC relating to coastal structures in the South Taranaki District. Table 1 Summary of coastal structure permits held by STDC Consent number Sub-type Location Purpose Expiry Date 5512-2 Protection Bayly Road Boulder rip rap

Annual report 2015-2016

stipulates that no person may erect, reconstruct, place, alter, extend, remove or demolish any structure or any part of a structure that is fixed in, on, under, or over any foreshore or seabed, unless the activity is expressly allowed page 13 for by a resource consent or a rule in a regional plan, or it falls within some particular categories set out in Section 12. Table 1 provides a summary of coastal permits held by STDC relating to coastal structures in the South Taranaki

Annual report 2012-2013

Stratford DC oxidation ponds consent monitoring report - Taranaki Regional Council.

Annual report 2012-2013

cartridges disposed of at landfills. Resource consents 1.3. Section 14 of the Resource Management Act, 1991 (RMA) stipulates that no person may take, use, dam or divert any water, unless the activity is expressly allowed for by a resource consent or a rule in a Regional Plan, or it falls within some particular categories set out in Section 14. Section 15(1)(a) of the RMA stipulates that no person may discharge any contaminant into water, unless the activity is expressly allowed for by a